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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Thanks for the comments guys! I was wondering, since I'm planking the hull, will the rudder need to be a little wider? I'm thinking I will try to build it the same way I have been making the stem post. I noticed that the grating in the kit is way to large, and the one shown in the plans is almost impossibly small, so I think I will try to 3D print it. Anyway, you can probably tell that a lot is going through my head :D!

  2. Aaaaaaannnnnd, Tada! I did it! Finally! That took a while! Wow, that's probably the largest single step in the build so far! I accidently made the area to support the keel and sternpost a but too thin, but I will fix that after I fit the keel on. That way it will be flush with the hull. I have a little more sanding to do on the stem post before it is done. After the keel installation is deck carving, as well as the indent in the bulwarks. Then probably scupper carving, bowsprit slot, and hull planking! I have a lot to do!






    Before anything else, bedtime! Until next time!

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