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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone! I was wondering, do ships grow on trees? They seem to keep falling into my hands :D. I just received an old T-2 tanker Kit by Bluejacket Shipcrafters! The kit is worth $400! Maybe ships don't grow on trees, but it might be possible that ships attract more ships :o.






    Now it is time to copper my hull! Until next time!

  2. Welcome Bill! Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I would like to continue, and the ship I will be building next is the continental gunboat Philidelphia.

    Mike, at least I'm bringing something back :D! Thanks, I like the way the wood turned out as well.

    Thanks Wayne! Have you seen Frank's Alert? It looks amazing :o!

  3. Well, after a few restarts, a bunch of wasted copper, and a few lessons learned, I have started the task of coppering :D! I just hope I have enough copper, but I can always get some more from model expo for free, as they have a great replacement parts policy. Anyway, this is going to be a great learning experience! I am using the rubber/plastic gloves to keep from getting finger prints on the plates.



    That's all for now. Thursday, I am going on an 8 day vacation, so I will be gone for a while. I wI'll come back with me next ship, and will start building that after my phantom. I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? It will give me some incentive to finish.

    Until next time!

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