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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Thanks for the compliments everybody! I really enjoy reading them. Mike, your farther than me! You've got your bulwarks done, and we both have planking to come. I'm going to go on a vacation for over a week on Thursday, but I may be able to finish my styrene templates before hand. I can also buy some wood filler today, so everything will be ready for hull shaping when I get back. If I finish my styrene templates Today I'll show some pictures. Happy modeling everyone!

    Until next time.

  2. Hello folks! I finished lining off the hull, at least if that is vertical lines. I found a problem with the building board, but that has been solved. It just means the starboard station lines are off by a little bit.



    I also got a lot of styrene boarding. There are 5 boards of decent size.



    I glued the paper hull templates to a board with some elders school glue.


    I started cutting these templates out. I will give them a proper trim when I am done cutting them all.


    Until next time!

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