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Everything posted by GioMun

  1. Excelent work. Le Coureur it's a wonderful ship to build, with a lot of details to work on it. I'll keep an eye on your build. Hope to see soon more photos. Greetings. Giorgio.
  2. Beautiful model. A real inspiration to every modeler. Keep posting pic's please. Congratulations. Giorgio.
  3. Hello shipmates! After the weekend i can say that i almsot finish the LC. There are a few things to finish and i'm done. Flags, finishing some belaying, and of course, figures and case. Hope you like it. I finished it late night yesterday, so better pictures will come later, on daylight. General views, and of course, we had the visit of Capt. Rosily (still without his uniform ), but he seems to be satisfied. Next update soon. Thanks for watching!
  4. Thank you Dave and Roger. The errors i'm talking about, in the Arsenal mode, are errors that make your work, look a little naif. If the adjustements in Wood joining are not almost perfect (as example), it dosen't look acceptable, or deetails in general, everything must look as clean as possible, otherwise you won't be succesfull. The sense of sclae is essential, and in those terms, i did a lot of mistakes. Hope for next models, those deetails will be better treated. As for the clinker, it's a little challenging when you never did it before, but once you find out the technics available in ship modelling you find out a very nice way to do it. I followed the Frolich's book, in the chapter dedicated to LC. In the next days i'll be posting new picutres of the model. I hope to be finishing it next week. Thanks again. Greetings. Giorgio.
  5. Hello! It's been a long time since i posted the last time. Actually it was in the old fórum. In these last years i'm been building the lougre Le Coureur. It has been my first Arsenal model, so it took a lot of mistakes, and time to figure out how to keep doing it. One of the first "issues" to resolve was the clinker built planking, wich it came out how you see it in the pictures. Then, every step was taken very carefully, triyng to keep as "arsenal" as posible. I even had to remove the white paint on the hull, because i didn't like the effect achieved. Fortunatly, the Boudriot gives every explenation of what you need, and thanks to Mr. Delacroix, and the guys on his fórum, i could find a lot of answers too. And of course here too! That's why i'm presenting you this model, wich some of you may remember from the old fórum, and for those that are knowing it for the first time, i hope you like it. Today my LC it is about to get finished, so i post picutres in chronological order to undrstand how the construction was made. And i'll be happy to keep you informed, if you are interested of course, of the finishing of this project. I hope you join my adventure! So, pictures......
  6. Good morning. A new wonder is abaout to come out! Ein neues Wunder! Already beautiful to watch. I'll be following it closely. Congratulations. Giorgio.
  7. Hello Savo. Outstanding job on those carvings, really. Would you be so kind telling me where can i find the plans of the holland ship you are showing, named DE LIEFDE? Do you have them? Wich kind of pearwood do you use? Any special kind? And what finishing do you apply on it? Keep showing us your work it's fantastic, really a pleasure to watch. Greetings. Giorgio.
  8. Good morning. Excellent work. I believe you shuold check for Arthur Molle's Sovereign of the Seas, an excellente arsenal model by this fine belgian shipmodeler. I will look for the link. Good day. Giorgio.
  9. http://5500.forumactif.org/t1814p80-le-curieux-au-1-160-par-r-simon Follow this link. It's a building log of Mr.Richard Simon, on the Delacroix's forum. Yes, it's Le Curieux, I didn't mention it because I thought was Le Cygne. The modelers mentions a plan of Le Courieux, but its incomplete, and the figurehead is missing. Anyway, he managed to find out how was it, and he built it. Greetings. Giorgio.
  10. Sorry, forgot to say. Basque in French, it's a nationality, it refers to the people that lives in that part of France. Don't know the name of that region in English, sorry. Greetings.
  11. Ciao Jack!! You know, there is another Boudriot''s book you may be interested in. Modeles Historiques au Musee de la Marine Vol.1. It has a chapter that shows a brig, named L'Esperance. Boudriot explains that this brig was made according to Pastel-Sane drawings, because about 60 brigs were built with this plans, from late 1700's century, up to 1820's. This brig has a beautiful eagle as figurehead. Greetings.
  12. Hi Jack. Amazing project the one you have chosen. I believe you may find usefull the Frolich web site. Mr. Frolich, built the Cyclope, under Boudriot's monograph. http://modelisme.arsenal.free.fr/artdumodelisme/fichelecyclopegb.html He used the monograph of La Cygne, with the variant option of Le Cyclope. Figurehead included!! I hope you'll find this useful. Also, you can buy the Frolich's book, L'Art du Modelisme, wich has a chapter dedicated to this vessel. Anything you need just ask me, send me a PM if you are interested, I have something you can find interesting. Greetings. Giorgio.
  13. Felicitaciones Jose! Un modelo muy prometedor. Lo seguire con interés. Bienvenido. Congratulations Jose! A very promising project. I will follow it with a lot of interest. Welcome. Giorgio.
  14. Good work Mark!! Finally storms are gone, and your frigate is finally rising! Keep the good work, and more photograph please. Remember me from the old fórum? I was building the Le Coureur from Boudriot. I will soon post again. Nice to see you, congratulations. Bye!
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