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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Very little update...30 degrees here in the Netherlands and melting away in my hobby room. I made the inner gunports square. These where left a little bit smaller then the MDF frame so you have a bit of wiggle room. I removed the bulk of the material with a knife and sanded it flush to the frame with a sanding stick. Not difficult, but pretty time consuming, I really took my time with this...because nothing more annoying then gunports that don't look square And today dryfitted the outer gunport patterns, soaked them first for 45 min and then a lot of clamping. Will see tomorrow if all the curves are there (including the slight vertical curve). Otherwise will just another soak fix that. The outer gunport patterns really give the ship some "body", nice to see.
  2. Welcome and have fun here on the forum! Groet, Ronald
  3. Haha but you have experience with it! That's all that matters Thanks everyone for all the likes!
  4. Thanks Mike! Yeah I stored the Pegasus in the attick, so I can always return to that. But this kit is indeed so different then everything else. It just feels like play, how everything connects and clicks. Don't get me wrong, you still need skill to get a neat and tidy result, but it's a lot of fun working on it.
  5. I think I reached the point that the hull has her final shape after fairing. It's for me a bit of a uncertain point...because you always think...is this enough, is this her shape? Did I sanded too much or too little...and reading through other build logs, I'm not the only one experiencing these thought in his building process. But there comes a point in which you say....I think this is it I found it a enjoyable process to see her lines slowly emerge out of the rough shape. So after a lot of sanding, producing a big heap of sanding paper this is the result, and i'm looking forward to the next stage
  6. You would say that eyebolts or ringbolts doesn't make such a difference....but apparently it does by the looks of it. It gives more sense of scale or something
  7. Thanks and welcome! I like this kit a lot and it's so well designed, I enjoy working on it
  8. I let the lasered gun deck drying for 2 days and it's flat again, so that's good. But what I noticed is that the diluted PVA fixated the wood in such a way that it is substantial larger than it was. It doesn't fit anymore. I need to sand it quite a bit more to get it right again. It's even bigger then the other gundeck that I replaced with this one and that one isn't even sanded haha. So this morning the idea slipped in my head that maybe planking the deck myself would be a better option for me. It's a bit easier to handle, only more work...but that's not a problem. I'm first going to plank the outer hull so I can let this idea sink in a bit and decide later on.
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