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Everything posted by BobG

  1. This is just a really wonderful build of a beautiful and interesting steamboat! I have looked at several of these type of models online and the Alexandra by Krick is my favorite. I didn't realize it was so big. It will certainly be an impressive model when you're finished building her. Thanks for sharing your excellent craftsmanship with us. BTW, I also took a look at your wonderful website. It's very interesting and you've done a great job with it. I live in Sacramento, CA, and my brother and sister-in-law live in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is a beautiful state and my wife and I visit them each year. They have a house on a lake near Minocqua and we love it up there. I'll stick with our winters though! Bob
  2. Good job figuring out a way to fix your broken keel! I'm fairly new to wooden ship modeling as well and, the more time I spend doing it, I'm finding out that, at least for me, there's a lot of problem solving. I used to feel pretty disappointed when parts didn't fit well, the instructions were confusing and had errors in them, or I simply got too eager and rushed a step resulting in a major goof like gluing the wrong plank in place or over sanding a part and ruining it. I've slowed myself down a lot and take my time to try and think things through more thoroughly. Even then, when errors happen and problems arise , I look at them as just new problems to solve and curiously, rather than feeling terribly frustrated with myself, I'm finding satisfaction at working my way through the problems and fixing the errors as best I can.
  3. Fantastic craftsmanship so far on this wonderful model! Super crisp and sharp painting!
  4. That's a beautiful model. Thanks for the review! I haven't built a plane since I was a kid building plastic models and hanging them from the ceiling of my bedroom but this is a kit I would consider.
  5. Your Longboat is looking great! I'm at the very same point in my build. I just finished the platforms in the bow and stern. Getting the notches cut so that the platforms sat low and level was challenging for me as a newbie. I'm learning that slowing down and being patient are the two most valuable qualities you can have for this hobby! I'm looking forward to watching your build continue.
  6. Javier, este es otro maravilloso barco modelo en miniatura que has construido. Eres un maestro artesano de estas hermosas embarcaciones y barcos pequeños. Me encantan las pequeñas embarcaciones de trabajo del Mediterráneo. Muchas gracias por continuar para mostrarnos su trabajo. This is another wonderful, miniature model boat that you have built. You are a master craftsman of these beautiful, small boats and ships. I love the small, working boats of the Mediterranean. Thank you so much for contiuing to show us your work.
  7. Beautifully crafted! I'm at the point of bending the floorboards and installing them and the thick boards are proving tough but I'm getting there. Wonderful builds of this boat, like yours, gives me motivation to learn patience and keep plugging away one small step at a time. Congratulations on a very nice model.
  8. Beautiful boat. I love these schooners. You're on your way to a very nice build.
  9. Thank you kondzik for your detailed explanations! I'm impressed with the outstanding craftsmanship of some of the builds I've seen here on MSW. I just might have to try a card model at some point. I love the lines of this model. Soclaine makes a wood version of it that I have admired but it's not commonly available. Do you think this would be a good card model for someone who has never built a car model? Chris: What brand of spray varnish do you use?
  10. You're doing a wonderful job on this beautiful boat. I've never built a card model but I'm fascinated by them. I am not familiar with the techniques used to build paper models so I have a few questions. What kind of glues do you use? Are you able to sand the paper parts in order to get tight seams between parts? Do you use a brush or an airbrush when you are painting the model? Thanks very much, Bob
  11. Thanks for your great photos and detailed explanations of your build. I will be doing this project too and will certainly be following your project.
  12. Give the NRG a call and they'll quickly give you your $13 refund. I hit the wrong button when I ordered mine that included and extra $10 for shipping to Canada. I called them and Mary, the NRG office manager, took care of the refund right away. She's extremely helpful.
  13. I just received this kit as well. I'll be following your build since it will be a while before I begin mine. I'm currently about half way through the Medway Longboat. I joined the NRG at the time I purchased the kit and members can get this kit for $52. Shipping is $10 in the USA, $20 to Canada and $26 elsewhere in the world.
  14. I assume that we should spray the friezes with the fixative before they are are cut out and applied to the hull. Is that correct? Also, what is the best type of glue should to use to apply the paper friezes to the hull in order to get a nice, smooth fit? Thanks very much, Bob
  15. Your longboat is looking very nice. You are a few steps ahead of where I am in my build. I'm just about to start carving the bolsters. I too would like to know if painting over Wipe-On Poly is okay or if it will create problems? It seems that glue adheres fine to Wipe-On Poly but I'm not sure about painting over it. I also would like to know what is the best way to glue the friezes to the hull and if any sort of sealer or poly is applied over the paper friezes after they are applied?
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