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Everything posted by Canute

  1. I'll second that, Denis. Although I might do it in reverse order. The two sided tape or foam-backed tire weights are most likely to stay put. CA is good, unless it gets brittle and the model is handled. Bathtub calk works, too. Do not use solvent type glues (Goo,Ambroid or whatever) to hold weights. They out-gas for a long time and will warp most plastics. I've seen old freight car models fold in half because the glue melted the styrene.
  2. If you have an ultrasonic cleaner, put it in there and run it for a while. You'll be surprised at what may start oozing out.
  3. There is a name for this; it's Advanced Modelers Syndrome (AMS), although that might be the politically correct version. Since this is a family-friendly site, I'll say no more. 😉 My 2 cents; take it for what it's worth. Are we gilding the lily or painting a pig. Ask yourself, will this aftermarket part really enhance your model. Paint masks fall into that category. Some of us need help painting circles or keeping clean canopies (that's me). Cockpit enhancements fall into the category of do I really need it. In 1/72 scale, it can be very hard to see. In 1/48th, more visible and in 1/32, really visible. Are the costs worth the enhancement? Only the builder can make the call. Something that will help is to scour the work for reviews and builds (research). I found out that an F-111 I want to build builds up pretty heavy, so this one reviewer said the metal landing gear available as aftermarket would be a wise purchase. And if you need to keep within a budget, keep it. Do not tick off the Admiral. We want to keep all our members on this board.
  4. Tell me about it. I've been looking for a discontinued Eduard set, checked ebay for nought and found it somewhere in Germany. Shipping was as much as the set cost. Common Sense bailed out days ago.
  5. Did Eduard make a Zoom set for that? They're colored instrument panels and such. Check Scalemates: they show several sets. You'll have to check on availability. You might even find an ejection seat for the Zipper.
  6. Mark, Ringling Brothers parked their trains in the Meadowlands in North Jersey (really swampland, but I grew up near there), unloaded their stuff and rolled into the Lincoln Tunnel and over to Madison Square Garden in Manhattan. It was a sight to behold. Multiple sections of their trains came in to the railroad yards. The route was the reverse of the opening credits of "The Sopranos", an HBO show on the Jersey/New York mafia. Required watching for us Jersey guys with Italian blood, ya know.
  7. Aircraft gray for me. I looked at it long enough. Panels black, surrounds medium gray. 36260, I think, or 36270. Like the color ADC painted their interceptors, etc., except a flat color.
  8. Very nice recovery, OC! A flat coat and some weathering and no-ones the wiser.
  9. Precision daylight bombing was a pipedream with the quality of the gear in a/c back then. The AF never really wanted to get into close air support (CAS). The A-7 and later the A-10 were the sop thrown towards the Army every time the Army started grumbling about getting more of this type support. The AF still shoots at it, slowly developing a light attack jet for foreign sales. But with the current crop of precision guided munitions and standoff capabilities, do we need to hazard high value manned jets in the CAS role. Maybe drones are the wave of the future in CAS? Enough of this mud moving talk. Air to air for me! Back to the Zipper.
  10. Andy, the CP livery is top notch and your rendition is dead on. Love all the details you've got so far. Can't wait to see it with a full interior. 👍
  11. A lot of info on Tiger kits, colors and references is here: https://www.cybermodeler.com/armor/pzkpfw6/pzkpfw6_all.shtml
  12. I was in a club with a retired AF Chief Master Sergeant, who belonged to the Circus Modelers Association or some such. He modeled in N thru G scales. His pride and joy was a calliope in O scale. Impressive builds. They've retired all the real circus trains here in the US, so the models are it except for a few random circus museums.
  13. The F-104 was designed with a downward firing ejection seat, for it's interceptor role. A high altitude arena. When we sold these jets overseas, they made fighter bombers out of them and flew them at low altitude. If the pilot had to eject for whatever reason, .... The jets were eventually retrofitted with conventional upward firing ejection seats. With those tiny wings, there wasn't much lift generated, so landing speeds were very high. Could have been a problem for an inexperienced pilot. I didn't think the USAF did much bombing with the F-104. They were used in combat as fighter bomber escorts and combat air patrols in Viet Nam.
  14. Nice fade with your body color. And the suspension looks great, too.
  15. The Zipper had a General Electric J-79 turbojet engine. Probably the most responsive jet engine of the day. Push the throttle(s) up and the engine gave you what you wanted, more thrust. The other fighters of the day (F-100, F105, F-106) had Pratt engines. Pushing the throttle up in those was, as one former Thud pilot told me, like sending signals to the engine room on a seagoing vessel. You asked the engine for thrust and eventually you'd get it. Once you got it they were pretty quick jets, but if you were in aerial combat, you wanted thrust immediately, not eventually. Had something to do with the afterburner nozzles and how fast they programmed closed for the requested thrust. The plastic in those early Hasegawas was kind of brittle, so cut the part free from the sprues. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but we need to be reminded occasionally. I just picked up an A-7D/E and there's a story coming, but I need some additional paint and a Furball decal set. 😁
  16. Amen, Lou. My Dad told me that when, as a 10 year old, I announced I was going to be a pilot in the Air Force one day. With his Army background, he said that was a good choice, too. When I took one of my innumerable physicals in college, one of the AF med techs said I had almost flat feet. I swallowed hard, thinking my budding flying career was going up in smoke, and asked if I was done with the process. He laughed and said the Air Force didn't do much marching, so it wasn't a problem.
  17. Nick, yeah, the Alclad must be sprayed. Not sure about brush painting large areas in silver. Too bad, you did some nice work there.👍
  18. Aw, I'm in, too. 😁 Zippers are cool looking jets. We played with the F-104Gs in Europe way back when, before aviation got too PC. Fast, but we could out turn them in the F-4. Tried many a time to snivel a hop in one, especially when a NATO unit would come visit us for a week. Usually the bras would get those.
  19. Ernie, I have one X29 express box, the rest of mine are Red Caboose. I do remember the Sylvan cars, sounds bad, I only have a few of his vehicles, fire trucks and trailers, mostly. Not so bad, but I'm not a fan of white resin. Ever build an early Westerfield car; metal filledgray polyester resin. I should have had stock in the drill bit makers.The gray styro-resin is great to work with. I'm an RPMer, so I still dig kit building.
  20. Lou, SVN was divided into 4 Corps, I furthest north, IV furthest south, Saigon and south. Heck, we only stopped for coffee and a burger at base ops(if the snack bar happened to be open). The jet got gassed and rearmed and off we'd go to fly another mission in the area. I flew over most of Viet Nam, both North and South, Laos and Cambodia at the end. Fast jets moved a little faster than your whirlybirds, but that beat walking.😉
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