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Everything posted by Canute

  1. Nice Hurricane from BoB. I've been a fan of the battle for years. Very close run thing. There is a build review of the Airfix kit here: https://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/builds/airfix/build_airfix_2067.shtml
  2. Good start, LWARD1291. Fun and games building resin kits. I had a friend build an HO Sylvan tugboat. He had similar travails fitting that kit. I've built a few vehicles of theirs and they too needed much cleanup. That being said, they are often the only way you'll get a particular model.
  3. Works great in Rob's scale of 1/32. What happens in the smaller ones? I suppose there are 1/48 stencils for the national markings, but the neat fine print markings, like to fueling and weapons racks are impossibly tiny.. I salute the fine work done on this model. 👍
  4. Those painted on stencils are slick. They beat water slide decals. You say only 1/32? Someday they might show up in 1/48 (I hope).
  5. Well done, Greg. Something different, for sure. I've seen them in on-line catalogs, but never followed a build.
  6. You and the Admiral keep at it with your recoveries. Stay hydrated. You're in my thoughts and prayers, mate.
  7. I look at the Wrights as the first systems engineers, melding airframe and powerplant design, doing their flight testing and trying to sell their designs. One other oddity was they worked with wing warping to turn versus the later development of ailerons. I think Glenn Curtis was the aileron inventor or his aircraft made the early use of ailerons.
  8. It's a wonder that actually flew with that tiny vertical stabilizer and rudder. Aeronautical engineering and design was in it's infancy, but the Wright Flyer had more surface area than this Fokker.
  9. Gentlemen, thanks for your replies. This is supposed to be a boxcar roof, slathered with car cement (asphalatum) or paint and the paint failing due to the environment (soot/cinders/dust, etc) I think daubing or spraying a steel paint on the spots for worn out paint, with rust in a few spots, will be appropriate.
  10. Don't think this is a ship model worthy topic, but I need to paint some surfaces as galvanized steel. Opinions are as varied as the modelers I ask locally, albeit the actual model builders are much less than the folks asked. Anyway, what would you describe the shade as? I've used light blue gray on structures for freshly constructed corrugated metal, but the galvanized I'm interested in is the bare metal exposed by failing paint. I've seen light grays, fresh steel and dark grays. Any ideas, forum mates?
  11. Those are some nice 3D decals. Can't wait to see them in a build.
  12. Turning the sow's ear into a silk purse. Those old kits really make us appreciate all the new stuff. I've got an early plastic freight car kit that I've been doodling with for probably 4 years. Just researching and making mods, turning it into a more correct representation.
  13. Pan Pastels, about the only powder product that doesn't disappear with a topping varnish. Use them a bit myself. And weathering pencils, like AK Interactive has.
  14. That's were the instrument pilot sits. Oops, they didn't have much more than a compass and airspeed back then. Sorry, the canvas over the rear seat just deserved that. Old WSO mentality got me.
  15. Get some chicken soup into you. You need fluids and the soup is definitely better than water or tea. Tastes better than water and isn't a diuretic, like tea is. Take care, OC.😄
  16. My train club started opening as a Black Friday refuge. And we get some nice crowds. 😉 Who doesn't like looking at well displayed trains. The pubs in town are pretty crowded right now, with the Thanksgiving crowds.
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