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Everything posted by Canute

  1. We've had 2, over the years. I think those cats themselves are decorations. I had other cats on our farm that were extremely efficient ratters. We had no varmints in the feed bins. The Maine Coons wouldn't leave the house.
  2. Nice little biplane, Javlin. Check out Tru-Color paint. They probably match it. If you remember Accu-Paint, it's a reformulated solvent paint, like Accu-Paint was. Acetone base I believe. Only issue I've heard about is it needs to be used over primer on resin. Wants to slough off resins.
  3. I think Woodland Scenics has some ditch water effects, Alan. Merry Christmas to you and yours, also.
  4. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and the Admiral, OC. Here's to a better year for us all.
  5. Thanks EG. That's what I thought. I normally use Future to gloss coat under decals. Not much call for clear windows on freight cars. Just cabeese and passenger cars. 😄
  6. Sounds similar to the CA fumes that can fog the clear plastic. Will the Pledge help?
  7. The candle for CA is new to me. Do you just puddle some on the tea-candle? I've usually used an open blister pack to put a few drops into, the dab it on the model with a unfolded paperclip or Glue looper.
  8. Your weathering is superb, Rob. And your explanation of the methods you employ is also. Thank you for sharing your artistry.
  9. Your wounded look good. The washes really make them pop. The dismounted Cuirassier looks to be an interesting project with his weapons and that helmet. looking forward to how this turns out. 😄
  10. That's some mill, Craig. No mufflers. And 24 plug wires? Yahoo. Can't wait to see that wired up.
  11. No, I believe these are from forgotten stashes, recently come to light. I think there are plans afoot to resurrect the kits, but I could be misinformed.
  12. Nicely done. Looks like a lot of the jets I flew, back in the day. Well worn.
  13. Topic is good. Can you edit the links or at worst, delete them?
  14. Mike, looks suitably mangled. Enough damage to require local shipyard time, but not so much it has to go to a major base for rebuilding. 👍
  15. Nice Hurricane from BoB. I've been a fan of the battle for years. Very close run thing. There is a build review of the Airfix kit here: https://www.cybermodeler.com/hobby/builds/airfix/build_airfix_2067.shtml
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