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Everything posted by Canute

  1. usually the gunner was protecting the coach and occupants. Rifles were unwieldy. How often did they get pursued across salt flats by the native tribes? It's just Hollywood's version of history. And J.W' first starring vehicles. I'm a fan of old JW.
  2. Alan, if you light it, use yelo-glo LEDs. They're warmer looking, sort of like the old kerosene lamps. More like fire light.
  3. Yeah, John Wayne on the roof with a Winchester rifle ala "Stagecoach" with Andy Devine driving 6 horses to Tombstone.
  4. Like EG says, a little soot on the chimney and you're done there. This build is progressing beautifully. Super!
  5. Like you're using the tissue paper roofing. I've used that once or twice on cars and structures. The paper used to wrap presents seems to work well for this. Flat black is a light sink for photos. I think a charcoal gray shade would work better. I've used Tamiya German Gray, NATO Black and tire black. They're slightly lighter shades of black
  6. Rob, I'll follow your build with interest. Like many I built the old Revell box-scale kit way back when. This almost looks like an up-scale of the old Revell kit. With your skills and a box full of aftermarket bits, I think it will turn out OK. Model on!
  7. You can use thin foam pieces, not the strofowm boards with the big white beads, but the sheets used for insulation in some places. Your local big box store may have pieces of broken boards. Rough shape one/two sids and but up against your base in layers, like a cake. Cover with plaster gauze or Sculptamold to cover the ends, Sand to final shape, the paint your ground cover shade. Apply your shrubs and trees. Et voils! Castle Loarre and hilltop site. 😄
  8. Kind of over kill, providing the base and then adding individual clap boards. Unless you're going to lift up selected boards to make a more distressed look to the structure. Much easier with these separate boards, instead of slicing into the base piece to lift up random segments.. I've tried it but is didn't really achieve what I wanted to show. This was is better. 😄
  9. Good news, Andy. The plate will really help. Like everyone said, follow the doctors orders, but don't lay around either.
  10. OC, if you have wood coffee stirrers, they look like boards for a door and framing after you stain them. You could use an oil paint wash for a stain. Water washes may curl the wood.
  11. All three are beautifully done, especially the prototype Recreational Vehicle/ command bus. All the comforts of home(?). 😄 I love your work, Patrick. 👍
  12. OW-OW-OW. When I was about 9, I had a kid throw a stickball bat at me on my bike. I went over the handlebars and landed on my right shoulder. Ended up as a green stick break of my right collar bone, 6 weeks in a sling. Back in the days when our bones were semi-flexible. It was the next to last week of school, so the first month of summer vacation I wore that sling. I hope your sling/plate doesn't cramp your build, but between the break and the meds, I'd be surprised. Take care.
  13. Couldn't have been too lazy if you've figured out the differences in colors for these French cavalry types.
  14. That's a relatively recent term. I think the time period of most of Gary's builds precede the tagging era of anything not moving getting marked. I have a few friends who are masters of the art. They model the 80s and later. As a modeler of the post WW2 to approximately 1960 time frame, I don't have that issue to play with. Chalk marks from switching is about it.
  15. The Baron's letter stated he couldn't confirm if the turrets were ever yellow.
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