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Everything posted by Canute

  1. As a fixed wing, fast mover flyer, that was our opinion of the rotary wing set. But boy, did we pray like heck for a Jolly Green or one of his Army/Navy/Marine cousins to swoop in to save our bacon, if we got shot down. Thanks for being around, even if I never had to use them.😁
  2. Denis and anybody else, read "Shattered Sword" by Paschall and Tully. A very good study of Midway from the Japanese side. American authors, but they used a lot of more up to date Japanese writings to flesh out old studies done immediately post WW II. They bring out issues like Denis mentions, plus adding in the differences in training and operational doctrine. Very good read, mates.
  3. In AF fighters, both crew-members were officers, but we somewhat "beyond the pale", being a kind of rowdy bunch. Tough to get most into their blue suits. We lived in our goat bags aka flight suits. In the big jets, with both officers and enlisted in a crew, we were a little better mannered while on home station. In the air and while deployed, the ranks got blurred quickly. Non flyers couldn't fathom the comradery in us crew dogs. Not sure where AF helo basic was in later years. I think the mission aircraft training in Search and rescue worked out of Kirtland (Albuquerque) and Hurlburt (Florida Pan Handle).
  4. I'm sure you do. Sly like a fox! Was the Army flying these for what we in the AF would term Undergraduate helicopter Pilot training in the late 60s/early 70s?
  5. Pulling up a chair to watch this work. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I think you'll find you want to use the .5 mm needle for acrylics. They have larger paint particles than solvents, but you and your family will appreciate the lack of odors from spraying the solvent based paint. Kurt's booklet is excellent, as are the videos Ron T bookmarked for you. All I can add is practice with whatever brush you purchase.
  7. It was easier for me to tell folks I was an F-4 pilot than explain what the blue blazes I did in the back seat of said beast. Did you ever touch the flight controls in the cockpit and attempt to fly the bird?
  8. OC, your skewed placement of the farm buildings will look good. The KGL lads look good, so the Rifles will be in good company, too.
  9. OC, I like your dio at a slant. Looks better than the straight away version; better visual interest.
  10. Another trick for snipping small parts off their sprues is to do that inside a large, clear plastic bag. May want to "liberate" one of the large Ziploc or similar bags from the pantry.
  11. Ron, some good ideas for ensuring flatness. I've been fortunate to have a friend who repaired copiers/printers once upon a time. He gave me some of the glass plates from the tops of these machines. They're flat plate glass and the edges are protected. I keep one for gluing various sand paper grits to and use the other as a build board, if I don't need to pin parts.
  12. Denis, the resin dust can be irritating, so mask up if you're sanding. I know, just what you don't want to be doing, but the stuff can bother your respiratory tract. The boat is coming along well.
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