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Everything posted by russ

  1. She has seen it and she loves it. She would love it no matter what it looked like. She is that kind of person. Russ
  2. John: Lovely work. I am getting close to rigging deadeyes and lanyards myself. Yours are coming along really well. Russ
  3. Popeye: Thanks. The sails could be better, but they will suffice. The main problem is the scale. I doubt I will ever build a small vessel in a small scale like this again. Next time, it will be either 1/24 scale or 1/12 scale. The details will be much easier to manage at those larger scales. Russ
  4. Kenneth: Thanks. In the near future, I will be building a lugger named Captain Roy. I spent some time with your father in law who had a few photos that were helpful. I need to get back with him to have him look at my plan to check for errors. Russ
  5. Bob and Carl: Thanks. I appreciate the kind words. Thanks also for all the likes. Russ
  6. Thanks guys. I appreciate the kind words. I am my own worst critic. However, I know that the sails are far too heavy for this scale and their shapes could be much better, especially at the corners. Here is another shot with the fisherman temporarily rigged. The model will be displayed with the starboard side out, so the jib, fisherman, and gaff topsail are rigged to port. This will allow the viewer to see the main and fore halyards. Russ
  7. For better or worse, I am getting into the final stages. Here is a look at the schooner with all sails but the fisherman set. This is all a dry fit to see what works and what does not. I have changed out the foresail sheet blocks and I will probably do the same with the forestaysail sheet blocks. This is where I determine if the "look" is acceptable. In fact, there are many things about this model I do not like, but those are my fault and they will be filed under lessons learned for future reference. I apologize for the crude nature of this work. Once everything seems okay, I will permanently set the masts, complete fore stays, the running rigging, and then the shrouds. Russ
  8. Good work on the shrouds. It takes time to get rigging to "look right." I find that there is sometimes a good deal of trial and error. Yours is coming along quite well. Russ
  9. I created the image in ACAD, then copied it to Paintshop Pro and made a negative image. That gave me the black background with white letters. I scaled it and printed it out on decal paper from Micromark. Russ
  10. Popeye: Thanks. The decals were not as much of a chore as I thought they would be. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once you get the hang of it, it is something that anyone can do. Since I am not much of a hand with a paint brush, it was a good alternative. Russ
  11. Pat: Well done. Congratulations on a really nice finished model. It was worth all of the effort. Russ
  12. It has been a while since any update. Not much to show, but things are moving along. Work and family have been taking priority, but I am hopeful I can make more progress over the next few weeks. The display board has been cut and needs only a little more finish on it. The deck pump is in place. It is pinned to the deck with a bamboo dowel. Like all the other pieces on deck, it can be removed and replaced at any time. The pump was made with a wooden base with paper for the rest of the structure. If you stand a away a little bit, it does not look completely hideous. The masts and sails are in the works. I only need a few more eyebolts and blocks attached and I will be ready to set the masts in place permanently. Thanks for looking in. Russ
  13. Well done. Congrats on a fine looking model. The main thing is the fun you had and the pleasure you gained in building it. Russ
  14. Sam: I know the feeling. In the end, you are the only one has to be pleased with the work. Do that and all else will come together. Good work on the topmasts. Russ
  15. The rigging has begun. Right now, there is a lot of spaghetti. My goal is to have as much pre rigging done as possible before I set the mast permanently. Russ
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