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Everything posted by russ

  1. Ingenious bit of modeling. The finished product looks good. Nice work. Russ
  2. That is actually a drop plank. Generally they are not needed at the stern. The stealer is more common back there since the area to cover is greater at the stern than at the bow. Russ
  3. Do you mean a stealer plank? Russ
  4. Tony: Look at the side view I posted. The port tackle is attached the after most eyebolt on the carriage. Russ
  5. Yes, the port tackles (sometimes called side tackles) are used to run the gun out after loading. Russ
  6. Andy: It looks great. The color contrast is very attractive. I used that same color contrast on another model last year. Great work. Russ
  7. The run of the planking looks very good, especially as it turns up towards the tuck. Good job fairing that area. Russ
  8. Yes, any wood can be drawn. Some will probably be better than others. A straight grained material will be best. It will have less breakage be easier to pull. Russ
  9. I have a Byrnes draw plate and it is the best one I have. It has a great cutting edge at each hole. It is easy to use and I would not trade it for anything. Insert the material into the side opposite the countersink and then pull it through from the countersunk side of the hole. You can use pliers to hold on to the end while you draw it through. I use my thumb and forefinger, but others use pliers. You can clamp it to your desk or table, but I have never done that. I hold it in my hand as I work. I can usually get a 5-6 inch length on each piece if I want them that long. Make sure you have a piece that is not too large for the hole. I draw my bamboo through the same hole several times, angling it differently with each successive pass to ensure I am ready to move to the next hole. Be patient and do not try and work too fast. The faster you go, the more breakage you will have. Also, the more practice you have, the easier it will be to use. You should experiment with it to see what approach works best for you. Have fun. Russ
  10. Chuck Passaro's Syren (Model Shipways kit) has great plans and detailed instructions. Check out some of the builds here. Chuck is also a PM away for questions. Russ
  11. B.E. and John: Thanks for the kind words. It is much appreciated. Russ
  12. One more photograph. Here is the schooner with its proud owner. Darren and I have been friends since 1st grade. He loves the schooner and I am happy to have been able to build it for him. To him and all of you, Merry Christmas. Russ
  13. I think the cradle will be a good idea. The hull looks wonderful and I know it will be gratifying to finally cut the build board away. Good work. Russ
  14. Congratulations. It is a beautiful model and the flag looks great. Well done all the way around. Russ
  15. They appear beautifully done. Excellent work. Russ
  16. Your wheel looks great. It is far and away better than mine at the same scale. Russ
  17. The decal and the pump came out really well. Nice work. Russ
  18. Mike: Breechings were about 3 times the length of the gun's bore. Russ
  19. Dave: Those pieces look great to my eye. The issue with the engine box is one that not many would notice. Russ
  20. Dave: Really beautiful model. The flags came out great. Congratulations on a fine finished model. Russ
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