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Posts posted by russ

  1. When you do the conversion from the metric dimensions, this kit is 1/64 scale, the same size as the Mamoli and Model Shipways kits. This kit, as well as the other European kits of this vessel, are based on the Model Shipways kit. That kit was based on Howard Chapelle's original research on the Rattlesnake from the early 1930s. He first presented his redrawn plan of this vessel in his book History of American Sailing Ships, published in 1935. His plan was based on the original British draught from when she was captured.


    The original Model Shipways kit was introduced in the 1950s and it was a solid hull kit. They changed it to a POB hull in the 1990s.



  2. Okay, I know it looks a little scary, but in the end it is going to be painted. This is the main mast head band with the band for the topmast to pass through, as well as the iron for the topping lift. This fitting was soldered up from brass strip and wire.


    Do not mind the cheeks. They are not completed yet. The cheeks will be sanded down and the spreaders for the topmast shroud will rest on them.




  3. Thanks. The rudder is tucked up under the stern a bit so I am not too worried about knocking it on something. However, it is good to be cautious.


    The sail hanks are very thin blackened annealed steel. I doubt there will be any rust issues, but in any event, the model will be cased. I was/am worried about the scale appearance. I think these will be okay.



  4. Made some progress this past weekend.


    The rudder is made and mounted. The rudder does not turn. It is just there for appearance. There is a brass plate under the keel and two pieces brass wire soldered into the plate that connect to the keel and the bottom of the rudder. The rudder is also held in place by bamboo dowels that go up into the hull and into the sternpost. The paint work needs a little touch up, but it turned out fairly well.


    The headsails have their hanks. The hanks are soldered blackened steel wire. The inside diameter is roughly 1/16". That is 3 scale inches. They are tied onto the boltrope.






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