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Posts posted by russ

  1. Popeye:

    Thanks for the kind words. I used Paintshop Pro. I created the image in CAD, and then saved it as a pdf, copied that as a jpeg and brought it up in Paintshop Pro and used the negative image function to reverse the colors for the black ribbon. I painted out the black areas around the ribbon a bit and then printed it on the white decal paper. I sprayed it a couple of time with the Clear coating, let it set over night and then applied the next day.


    The spreader will get sanded down just a bit. It is almost right on scale or about 3 inches square, but just a little work will make it look a little lighter. Not much is really needed.



  2. Hamilton:

    I agree that practice with tools makes a lot of difference. Also, the right tool for the right job. So, a few different blades and some practice will be a great idea. I have to do this a lot. It is par for the course.


    The joint in the profile former is something that many of us deal with. It just needs some fine tuning. The key is to not remove too much material at once. Go slow, measure a lot.



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