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Posts posted by russ

  1. Here are a few blocks and a cleat.


    The blocks are rope stropped, although on the real boats, they were mostly internally metal stropped. At this scale, rope stropped will have to do. The double sheaved block is 5/32" long as is the larger single sheaved block. The smallest block is 1/8" long.


    The cleat is for the forward side of the foremast.






  2. Sam and Carl:

    My client is a very good friend and has told me not to rush anything. She understands without a doubt. If it were actually a brilliantly built model, I would be happy. Instead, it is what it is. There are aspects of the model I like, but there are also plenty of imperfections, things I wish I had done differently, etc. It is far from perfect and no where near brilliant. Fortunately for me, she is one who thinks it is great and does not dwell on the imperfections. :)


    Like any model, this has been a learning experience and I will take what I have learned and apply it to the models that will follow. Hopefully, they will be better because of this experience.



  3. David:

    Make sure the plan uses diameter and not circumference. Often times plans will give circumference while the rigging thread dealer will sell in diameter. Other than that consideration, your calculation is correct. Divide the full size diameter by 80 to get the scale diameter.


    I am not sure how many different thicknesses are called out on the plan, but you could easily use 4 or more different thicknesses covering the range and it would be fine. A lot depends on how much detail you are going to include in the restored model and how much money you are willing to spend to get that detail. If you have a choice between a larger diameter and a smaller diameter in a given instance, choose the slightly smaller thread. The overall scale effect will be better that way.



  4. The 24 inch Cutty Sark by Revell was one of their "build a legend in a weekend" kits. Looking in my old Revell catalogue, they had a Constitution kit, Civil War Blockade Runner kit, and Mayflower kit in that line. The Cutty Sark was H-368 and listed at 24 inches long. They also had a 1/96 scale kit that was 36 inches long, H-399. This was a completely different kit than the smaller 24" version. .


    The length of the full sized ship is 288 ft so the 24 inch kit's scale is 1/144 scale.



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