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Everything posted by NMBROOK

  1. Thank you very much indeed Alex for taking the time to explain this to me.This is very interesting and I shall no doubt have a try myself on some scrap timber. I look forward to more updates. Kind Regards Nigel
  2. Thank you Ersin,I thought I recognized it.As they say a picture is worth a thousand words Kind Regards Nigel
  3. I read on the Russian forum about a mix containing bitumen.If you use this mix,I assume it must still work with wax already applied?When I read about this technique,I was concerned it could result in a patchy finish.If you apply wax first,then I can see how this is aleviated.Sorry for so many questions Alex,but rather than struggle to find the answers on the Russian forum,what better way than to ask the master himself? Kind Regards Nigel
  4. Staggeringly beautiful build Alex The artificial ageing techniques you are using are excellent. Kind Regards Nigel
  5. That is clever.Are you using what looks like a laminate trimmer for kitchen worktops? Rgds Nigel
  6. Some very nice photos and some very beautiful models,thank you for posting.One year,hopefully not in the too distant future,I would love to attend one of these conferences.As you can appreciate though,it is rather a long way,so would need a lot of forward planning.I am attending the international model boat show next month on my side of the 'pond' so I hope to have some nice pics to post. Kind Regards Nigel
  7. HMS/HMCS Snowberry K166? Rgds Nigel
  8. Wow Ferit can't believe I missed this earlier Stunning work,I think there maybe a pic or two worthy of the 'amazing photographs' section. Kind regards Nigel
  9. Great work Michael I think the rip out and redo happens to all of us with something we are not happy with.It is part and parcel of the hobby.I must have missed something,what have you lined up next? Kind Regards Nigel
  10. My personal favorites are boxwood for both or boxwood for the deck and pear for the hull. Kind Regards Nigel
  11. More fabulous work and more fabulous pictures Kind Regards Nigel
  12. Absolutely stunning Matti ,The more I see your build,the more I fancy having a go at this kit,but too much on at the moment :(Not only that but I also love the Norske love as well. Kind Regards Nigel
  13. Thank you very much Michael and Ferit I have lots planed for the machine and half of it is using the dividing table.You are quite correct Ferit,whilst I can do everything by hand,if I wish to complete the build in a reasonable time frame,I need some more tools.I can officially say that everything else that goes on this build will be scratchbuilt.So the only kit parts left are about 80mm of the bottom of the bulkheads.I shall however by buying the cannons and rigging blocks. Kind Regards Nigel
  14. Hi Matti Can't wait to have a play,but must finish these railings first Kind Regards Nigel
  15. Exceptionally neat work Ferit Not just on the rigging,but with these close up shots you can see the care and detail you have put in making the masts and tops.Super sharp work my friend.Looking forward to the next instalment. Kind Regards Nigel
  16. Hi Joe It's the MF70.It is the only thing that runs a high enough RPM for the small cutters.I only plan on using it for detail work so should be ideal.I hope to get it's bigger brother at a later stage for more joinery related model building tasks when I venture into fully framed ships.However the big one won't run the small cutters so eventually I will have two mills. Kind Regards Nigel
  17. A small update.I have completed the rails on the port side,I have only the forecastle left to do.I had to go and pick up my prezzies from the missus today.I feel like a kid in a sweetshop Thank you love Thank you to those on here that advised me which to machine to go for.It goes to show that the way to a modellers' heart is via workshop tools Kind Regards Nigel
  18. Sorry for the delay,yes you are correct it is the akagi,congratulations,over to you TRJ Kind Regards Nigel
  19. Hi Karl I have followed your log for a long while,but haven't posted anything simply because I am struggling to say something that has been said.I will say STAGGERING attention to detail and a very beautiful model.I will have to check the 22 pages now to see if someone has written that I also feel happier now that I am not the only one that doesn't use real treenails. Kind Regards Nigel
  20. Ok a really easy one Kind Regards Nigel
  21. Cheers Jason,I knew the first two,the hard part was which one as most pics show the Leander class ships prior to exocet launcher fitment.I shall post something a little later. Kind Regards Nigel
  22. a ha HMS Argonaut.She was hit by two bombs during the campaign,neither of which exploded. Kind Regards Nigel
  23. Falklands War? Leander class? HMS Penelope? Kind Regards Nigel
  24. Excellent work Matti Glad the iron idea is working she is looking fabulous Kind Regards Nigel
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