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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis George is correct about the Halogen lights, I'm using one, but my power bill is not toooooo good though. But heck, I'm blind if I don't use it. Havagooday Greg
  2. G'day KeithHow was the game of golf? I assume you imagine the ball were your inlaws, and you bashed the ball all around.
  3. G'day Danny Astonishing piece of craftsmanship on the cutter. Like your normal standard, it's second to none! My jaw is so saw, looking at your work. I can't keep my mouth close with amazement. Btw what's size of saw blade do you use and how many teeth? Havagooday Greg
  4. Dan I'm speechless! Oh umm umm ya, your workmanship on this tiny tiny cutter is amazzzzzzzzing!
  5. G'day Marsalv I haven't seen in any post where the planking is so neat! Bravo Havagooday Greg
  6. G'day Alexandru Did you say "small udate"? To me they are large updates!
  7. G'day Denis Great job so far, and I've no doubt it, the completed ship will also be outstanding! I agree with Jack, he has given you some good advice! Havagooday Greg
  8. Congratulations Greg on a job well done. 10 years ago that you started, gee what a long time. I'm on my third year and it looks like I've got another 9 years to go. Again congratulations. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Denis Re the overspray, it proves that you are human after all. Good job on the save anyway. Re the funnels, what a mm among friends! Havagooday Greg
  10. G'day Dave You're going great guns mate, love your details that you are doing! Havagooday mate Greg
  11. The planking is A1. Your time and efforts are paying off. Love your bull's dog clamp idea. Will keep it in my bank for my next build! Havagooday Greg
  12. G'day Vince With your diligence to this difficult part, I'm certain it will turn out right. Keep up the great work! Havagooday Greg
  13. G'day John The type I get has no fragrances nor soap. I've been using them for about 2 years on both non treated timber and varnished timber, and there are no problems. I can paint etc over it and there is no difference. Havagooday Greg
  14. Hi John I use no named baby wipes from my supermarket. It's cheap and works great. Greg
  15. G'day Alexandru Great job! You and Danny are two of the kind. Your eye to details are amazing. Havagooday Greg
  16. G'day Danny I wouldn't expect any more from you than an excellent job. I wasn't disappointed! So tiny yet a huge effort on your part to do an outstanding job. Havagooday mate Greg
  17. Beautiful Greg , great job and she's the pride of the fleet. Greg
  18. G'day Denis I've got a "blond moment". Why did you use 3 different size drill bits. Aren't they all the same size portholes? Sorry for the dumb question mate! about the brass ring around the portholes, maybe if you can get some very very small beads with a hole in them and paint them a brass colour, you might get away with that. Havagooday mate Greg
  19. Looks good to me. I assume you will not be using the copper any more. Cheers Greg
  20. G'day Denis Re that hole at the end of the stern, I've been looking at the net and here are some photos I've found. Hope they are a help. It appears to be an ensign staff. Havagooday Greg
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