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Everything posted by thomaslambo

  1. Hi Brian, Can you elaborate on why you think the Mantua kit is the best available. I plan to build this model and I'm currently looking at AL, Billings and Mantua/Sergal. Any detailed info would be much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi Tom, Just beautiful work, love all the upgrades and great work on the u-shaped main pin rail....gotta love the little proxxon lathes (I've been turning a few dowels myself)
  3. Bob, Very nice work indeed And I'm at the same cross roads; to copper or not to copper....
  4. Hi Rich, How nicely stated above....it's really like a team effort isn't it Sorry I wasn't aboard for the journey (I'm a fairly new member)....but it looks like a wonderful two and a half year chess match, and I'd say you won
  5. Brian, Nice work... Gotta love MSW as we can gain knowledge/wisdom about our builds from others that have gone before us. I also struggle with the timing of when to complete a particular piece of detail. I find the more detail I add the more I increase the possibility of damaging it during a later stage of the build. Building my ship often reminds me of a game of chess
  6. Hi Harry, Thanks for stopping in...and the kind words Every once in a while you need to shift gears and clear your head on the current build so Cutty Sark research is one of the things I do on the side....I swear I won't start her until the Bounty is done
  7. Harry, Just amazing comparison, exactly what I was hoping for. Great details and you’ve made my decision much easier….you out did yourself Mate Your description of the AL version fits perfectly with my AL Bounty. Lots of extra wood, good fit on the parts, very nice details, good accuracy to the real Bounty (based on my Anatomy book) and virtually no instructions (just plan sheets) after you finish the hull. Which isn’t a problem for me personally…. because part of the fun is researching and figuring out the end game puzzle. I’m very happy with the AL Bounty kit thus far, and I like the length of the AL Cutty at a shorter 1032mm (40 inches). I guess some would say my Bounty build is a hybrid “bash” as I love adding details wherever it makes sense to me. So I’ll probably do the same with the Cutty. As you may suspect I’m leaning toward the AL version (but the jury is still out), but in any case I’m going to purchase all the books you noted as well as the CS plans from the Cutty Sark Museum. Link to museum: http://shop.rmg.co.uk/cutty-sark/books/cutty-sark-plans/product/cutty-sark-general-arrangement-plan.html Can't thank you enough....and I’ll be following your build with great interest
  8. Hi Harry, I saw your beautiful pictures in the Gallery….so it’s really nice to see you take the time to maintain a build log. Simply beautiful work On another note; I’ve been following many Cutty Sark builds as this will be my next build. I’m still trying to determine which kit I will use (AL, Billings or Sergal/Mantua). I realize the primal chase in your work shop made the choice for you between the AL and Sergal kits Could you comment on the quality/detail of the Al vs Sergal kits….which would you have chosen had the chase not occurred?
  9. Hi Crusoe, Welcome aboard MSW We have much in common; I raced RC boats for years as well as built more RC airplanes than I’d like to admit (have a garage full of boats and planes). Like yourself, I’m also on my first build (the AL Bounty). It looks like you’re off to a great start….I’ll be looking forward to following your build log
  10. Couldn't agree more...I hope you don't mind if I borrow the look from you Matt
  11. Brian, Really beautiful work....and thanks for taking the time to document your process for stropping the single blocks (very clean work)
  12. Matt, Just a super job on the windlass. Good call on using a mix of materials....the combination of metal and wood adds beautiful contrast to the piece
  13. Bob, Excellent idea on the cover....half the fun on these builds is thinking about how to step out of box
  14. Very nice work Tom. FYI - I also use the Gator sanding tool, I love it's soft grip and overall size....definitely one of my favorite hand sanders. I also use assorted sanding sticks for hand use and lathe work....and ran across this great deal. It's an assorted package of Sanding Scraps at a fraction of the cost of most sanding sticks that go for as much as one dollar per stick. Left of box is the Gator hand tool, below on the right and left are more expensive sanding sticks. All the sanding sticks in the box is the assorted 5 oz bag of Craft Sanding Scraps for $4.99. Which I often cut down to the size needed.
  15. Hi John, Thanks for stopping back in....I really appreciate the kind words I'm enjoying your build as well....I'm picking up some excellent tips from you that I'll be using in the future
  16. George, Excellent idea, I've done this with a few of my Proxon tools. I move them from the garage work shop to my indoor work shop on a regular basis.
  17. Thanks guys, it sounds like a great product
  18. Hi Keith, I hope you get some good answers here. This isn't exactly on topic but I'm really close to buying their table saw and was thinking I don't need the Auxiliary Tilting Table (what do you think)? I would use it primarily for cutting planks from stock sheets. Is this product as good as many say it is, I'm looking for perfect planks (consistent width)? I also have my eye on their Thickness sander as many of the sheets I purchased have inconsistent thickness (gotta love wood) Thanks, Boyd
  19. Yes, I know the feeling well. I had another revelation after re-reading The Armed Transport Bounty last night....here comes another 100 hour plus addition to my build once I figure out how to do it That pump is simply amazing
  20. Bob, Thanks much for the kind words, I really appreciate it....and I'm keeping an eye on your fine build as well
  21. Hi Shaun, Really beautiful work.....looking forward to your next update
  22. Hi Rowand, Thanks much for the kind words....and I'm enjoying your build as well (very helpful) I'm going to upgrade my rudder assembly as well, and also use your technique for bending the very stubborn walnut planks
  23. Brian, Beautiful progress on the cannons....I'm always looking for an excuse to add another fine tool to my work shop (very nice lathe you have there) And a thanks to Russ for another tip on using square stock for making spars
  24. Hi Al, I really appreciate the compliments… this type of detail work is right up my alley coming from a Railroad background I’m following your lead….as I still have the planking and rigging bridges to cross. I noticed the very excellent advise you gave LA Don on his up-coming planking challenge....well done my friend
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