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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Hi Dimitris, This work is a game What is our life? - Game! Look here for the first 10 seconds -
  2. I think that usually there is not need to install the bowsprit at this early stage. Perhaps this will create additional difficulties with planking of the board. Best Regards! Igor.
  3. Hi BNoah, I have some drawings of Fram too. I can send them to you if needed. Best Regards! Igor.
  4. My next small project - lifeboat RS1 Colin Archer Best Regards! Igor.
  5. Hi Nenad! Happy Birthday! Good luck always and everywhere for you!Good Luck!!! Ж) Best Regards! Igor.
  6. Hi Elia, Happy Birthday! Good luck always and everywhere for you! Best REgards! Igor. P.S. I can't send PM to you...
  7. Hi Patrick, Many thanks for good words! Yes, I am continuing construction of the Atlantic, but the work is progressing very slowly due to various reasons. The next project ... hmmm ... a some times ago I saw Mike's log, in which he talks about his building of the model RS1 by Colin Archer. Very nice boat. Most likely, this will be the next project. Best Regards! Igor.
  8. Hi everyone. Yesterday I finished working inside the bottle. Now I need only to make the stopper and to insert it into the neck of the bottle. Best Regards! Igor.
  9. Hi Carl, Yeah, I guess the similar construction, but small in size. Best Regards! Igor.
  10. Carl, I want to make miniclip to facilitate pulling the thread inside the bottle and be able to hold some of the details. Best Regards! Igor.
  11. Hi Patrick, Many thanks for your support and words of encouragement! In fact, my hands are ordinary and they just do what my head is thinking. And in this matter is not all good. I done badly thought out scheme model assembly inside the bottle and, therefore, I had some problems on Saturday. But I will try to accommodate my mistakes. Now I have to fix all 3 threads inside the bottle and then trim the excess ends. Also, I'm trying to come up with some tool that would allow me to fulfill ability to make some action inside the bottle. Best Regards! Igor.
  12. Hi everyone, Next small update - Best Regards! Igor.
  13. Congrats Patrick! Are you have the small bottle of champagne for this great minute? Best Regards! Igor.
  14. Hi Patrick, Perhaps you've found these websites, but in any case I am sending these links: http://blog.tadroberts.ca/2013/12/drawing-signe/ http://www.davideastyachting.com/details/signe2.htm?1430125561733 http://www.charterworld.com/index.html?sub=yacht-charter&charter=sysigne-6194 Best Regards! Igor.
  15. Many thanks Bob, Dimitris, Mark for your words of encouragement and support! I made some mistakes, but work is nearing completion. Best Regards! Igor.
  16. Hi Patrick, Are Symphony and Signe two names of the one boat or these names of different boats? Best Regards! Igor.
  17. Hi Carl! Thanks for good words! You discovered the secret of my technology - in fact, you need to put the necessary ingredients in a bottle, shake well and mix thoroughly with special wands and ... voila Best Regards! Igor
  18. Patick, hahahaha! Two hours ago, my wife suggested that I was a micro-surgeon in one of my past lives. I think secretly you must be a psychic who can read minds at a distancepsychic who can read minds at a distance :) Best Regards! Igor.
  19. Hi everyone! Many thanks for yours good words and likes! Yesterday, I could not escape one of the nightmares builders of SIB - one of the small but important detail broken off inside the bottle: I had to find a way to something to replace it: After quite some time of obscure manipulation inside the bottle back mast was installed: Best Regards! Igor.
  20. Yes it is so, Patrick. But, unfortunately, if something breaks off, it breaks off after this point
  21. Hi everyone! Today I have an important point Best Regards! Igor.
  22. WOW! It looks great! I think your boat is almost ready to sail! Best Regards! Igor.
  23. On the white boxes ... Maybe they keep life jackets and clothing for bad weather?
  24. Hi Dimitris, Perhaps you might be interested to see some more photos of this ship: http://loveopium.ru/putshestviya/ekskursiya-na-italyanskij-parusnik-amerigo-vespucci.html http://bigpicture.ru/?p=194333 http://www.liveinternet.ru/tags/amerigo+vespucci/ http://korabley.net/news/uchebnii_parusnii_linkor_amerigo_vespucci/2009-04-19-218 Best Regards! Igor.
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