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Everything posted by amateur

  1. We asked Ab in an other forum. He didn't had any intention to publish this book. It was done on request of seawarch, who specializes in interesting books with drawing for modellers. No market for that over here. Unfortunatedly, impoting books from the other side is a bit expensive. with respect to all of these ships: there are almost no written sources, so these drawings are kind of reconstructions, starting from the few written sources there are (like builders ontracts), and art- drawings and paintings. That is also the reason that these drawings are more schematic than those of the statenjacht (and some earlier drawings of Emke). They are not intended as fully detailed drawings, but as a reaonably good starting point to build these ships: it is a drawing of a ship-type, not of a specific vessel. That said: ask all your questions, we might have an anser for that. The aft mast for instance, was in many case only rigged at low wind, to hold course, or even (especially fishing ships), to keep position when the main mast was lowered. So, at a fair wind, it was either not rigged, or had small sailsl. You can see that in many paintings of a related shiptype: the hoeker. a famous drawing of the ship is this one by Reinier Nooms https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/nl/collectie/RP-P-OB-20.523 Jan
  2. Yep, and those vanes are not at a constant angle. btw translation is misleading: the sails (in dutch) refer to the cloth that is attached at low wind speed: how to translate, when sail is something different? Jan
  3. No it is a 1:87 that is on the topshelf pf my cupboard even aince 1991. Never had an idea of how to tacklethe problem of thr curvature of the vanes at this scale aJan
  4. It was not until your video that I realized the size of the model. It is far larger than I imagined. (and like all the others: I am still amazed by what you can make out of sculpting material. my own ability in that field ends with marble sized, almost round balls ) Jan
  5. Hi PIet, She is looking great. I like these pre-WWII cruisers very much. I checked the original drawings fro that small house. The funny thing is: that little house is not on the original drawings but.... it was there for sure: It looks more of a wind-shield to me on this picture, and not a closed structure (you can see light through the porthole that is in it). So it has to be a 1934-refit change. During that refit, the masts were changed (shortened, and repositioned). At the same time the anti-aircraft guns were modernized, and a couple of sheltered fire-control positions were created (using steel screens). I guess this is one of those positions. Jan
  6. Ah well, vanes. That is why mine is gathering dust over twenty odd years now
  7. and with respect to thatch in model scales: I came across a site that suggested this material; http://www.exoticwings.com/shoppe/coconut-fiber-bundle-bird-nesting-nesting-material-p-4268.html Jan
  8. THat is a very nice drawing! and a wip-watermolen is a very nice one indeed. Most gardenversions of a mill over here are wip-watermolens. for those not familiar, This is the one, Jan
  9. Thatch needs some care: it is a natural product, so it dereriorates over time, especially when wet. So from time to time the thatcher comes by and gives the roof a close shave (literally) to remove moss, dirt and rotting parts, them he fills thin parts with new thtch. So that is why you not often see moss on mills. You see it on the north side of thatched roofs. After a numbe of years, repair isnr enough, and the whole roof has to be replaced. by tge way, there is no roof under the thatch, the thatch is the roof. in housinghowever, modern safety regulations ask for an fireproof later betwwen beams and thatch. Some pics, other type of mill, but the process is the same. http://www.rietdekkerstraver.nl/projecten/vervanging-rieten-kap-cabauwse-molen/ Jan
  10. Did some research: almost all north-holland watermills use a waterscrew. Jan
  11. Nope, they don't need the sail to run. The sails are only needed in case of low wind speed. @ Marcus: are you going to build an interior, or will this be an "outside only" ? Can you tell us what the mechanics of the mill are? Is it working using a 'water-screw' or a 'wheel' ? @Piet: do you mean this one in Ter Haar? I like Dutch windmills. Quite a lot of differences between them, depending on region, function, and age. I also like these few rather sturdy ones (this one is Zeddam, in the eastern part of the country) Jan
  12. Perhaps not perfect in your own eyes, but it looks quite perfect to me. Jan
  13. Oops...... I am affraid that this means dismantling and rebuild.... Can't think of anything that solves this problem. You can sand and plaster, but how can you be sure that the moisture that is now in the wood will not cause creaks and warping when it dries? Jan
  14. That will be an i teresting build. not much models of these ships (actually, not much drawings to work from, either. I think this book is actually a must have for this period) Jan
  15. I like the weathering Actually, it is not too far of from looks and feel the Mataro-model itself . Jan
  16. Your usual pace and quality, a pleasure to look at. Jan
  17. After some weeks without cardboard, I did some parts of the Ruyter today. First, the foreard railing of the bridge. Warned by a buildlog on a German forum, The part needed some surgery, the middle part about one and a half milimeters too wide. (And yes, i need roo work far more precise, too much white too be seen, especially when photographed in macro ) Here the railing is complete, and the bridge testfitted. Not too bad, it needs a handrail on top, but I need daylight too cut and edgepaint. Instead of the next level of the conning tower, I decided to do the nedt part of the superstructure. I copied the partsheet (my printer did awfull things with the colour...), and cut the top of the superstructure, dounbled it with thick cardboard, and used it as a base: that way the curved wall comes out correct, and I have some gluing base to attach it to the not so flat deck. (for size comparison: the porthole-lids are about 1,5 milimeters) I already cut and glued the deck that comes on top of this and the next part of the superstructure. But as it is under some weight, it can't be photographed (actually, it is not very interesting ) perhaps more tomorrow. Jan
  18. Ehhhh..... who did this spreadsheet for you? It an't be you, you were finishing Bismarck (at least, that's what you suggested us ) I will be followi g with interest! Jan
  19. A card model that can be photographed in macro setting, and still noerrors and mishaps to be seen. That is outstanding quality. we don't do medals here, but as far as I'm concerned it is definitely a gold one Jan
  20. Strange, isn’tit? The guy who did the kit on Batavia at first had to give the ship another name, as the Batavia guys where more troubled with copy and namerights than with real content Why are they affraid of sharing? Is it while they don ‘t have the means or time to take the lines, or is it something else? Jan
  21. I know the feeling: I restarted my ratlines a couple of times Jan
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