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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Don't show the ruler of your hand, and people would happily believe that it is a fair sized model of a horse. I like the horse very much. Hope you can make a fitting horseman. Jan
  2. Hi Piet, Working on the display, but still tweaking on the ship. I thought you said you were finished apart from the case I agree with Mark: thinning out did add. What will be next? Jan
  3. And don’t be too distracted by the difference between the words: 17th century dutch wasn’t as standardized as modern Dutch. you can find boyer, boeyer, boeier, boijer, boeijer, and anything in beteeen. ship types changing happens also in other instances, the most famous example is jacht: duyken is labelled as jacht. Not quite the ship we expect nowadays speaking about jachts
  4. Got it now! thanks for the pics. For a moment I thought it had an open stern, but it is closed. Planking at the stern will be interesting. The hull is quite rounded at the stern, especilaaly just undr the wales. Jan
  5. I know that almost al Dutch inland water ships have iron stropping at these blocks. Never seen a pic showing rope-stropping. Jan
  6. Not really new news. Happens quite often that the kit does not show the eal stuff, or just gives some fake history. Jan
  7. Two remarks on that: These sculptings would need flexible molds, as there is detail on the sides of them, and there are open spaces under the scrollwork. The castings would require severe detailing afterwards. secondly: part of the atmosphere of this model is in the high degree of consistency, but also in the slight variations between the almost equal parts. I guess the model looses some of its charm by using castings. Jan
  8. It was one of the difficult parts: the blocks are not heany enough to get the line sag naturally. I did not use the corel-thread, but something else (I think it was Amati), and far thinner than the Corel-line. I started from the bowsprit, next the running part to which the spider blocks are attached (without tying that one off to the stay). Next the 'spider part' working inside out, using clove-hitches to tie them to the stay. next I have attached a small weight (paper clip) to the spider blocks, and have been tweaking endlessly with the running part to get thetension right. As soon as it looked okay, I have more or less fixed the whole thing, by brushing it with a diluted white glue. It took me at least four or five tries to get the thing more or less good, without overtensioning it, and having the stay pulled outward. And yes, I have been rerigging the stay-block to get more tension onthe stay... Both blocks are almost touchi g now, as Ineeded quite a lot of tension in the stay to have the whole looking OK. Problem was also that my spritmast tended to go backward, as I tensioned the lines. Delicate balance indeed. Jan
  9. Hi Piet, I guess this is the end of your tweaking? Or do you still see room for improvement. Judging by the pics I think you have nailed it: Ship, water, smoke, action. Great model. Jan
  10. And spme of us happen to know some Dutch, so don't hesitate asking for a translation in the case google translate gives you nonsense
  11. I can live with that As it llpks now, she will be up to your usual standard Where do you buy the syringe and needles? Jan
  12. Hi Piet, the sea is quite good. The larger bow wave does add to the diorama. Ans as the others said: smoke is getring better and better. I wagerly await the end of your further experiments! jan
  13. Standard practice with deagostini: no kits, only subscriptions, and not all subscriptions available in all countries. (Or at least, not at the same time) I don't know how it is now, but last year Wasa did not ship to theNetherlands. sometimes, ebay is your escape: someone starting the subscription,but dis not start it, and now resells. But as this one is available only in Russia, I don't think your chances are very high...... Jan
  14. So do I. I don't always respond to new posts, but I always drop in to see the pics. She is avery convincing model. Guess you van posts video's of the model in the water, and claim it is the full-size orgininal. No one will notice Jan
  15. I took some time to read this one. This guy is a wizard with cotton and chicken wire. (Although my guess is that a major part of the wizardry is not in the cotton, but in his setup for the pics) Jan
  16. Did some searchin gin the navy foto-archive. Found three pics (Piet without doubt has them on his computer). two of Java firing (one at daytime at full speed, one at night, and looking at the water: without speed at all) and one of De Ruyter showing the burning hot gasses leaving the gun. IN the night-pic I can't discover whether or not we only see the center of the smoke-ball, or the total. IN that case, it is a fairly compact smoke-ball. Comparing it to the other two, I guess we see only the core of the smoke, that is lighter by the hot gasses. Jan
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