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Everything posted by amateur

  1. After finishing my model of Axeldijk, I start a new card-model by the Dutch firm Scaldis. It is a 1:250 model of the light cruiser Hr.Ms. De Ruyter. (The model is designed bythe polishfirm JSC). The ship measured 170 meters, sothemodel is just under80 centimeters long. De Ruyter was a ship designed inthe same period as the Dutch cruisers Java and Sumatra: early thirties. I rhink they have an appealing design: long, sleek lines. Hoever, for their purpose, they were a bit outdatedalready at their launch: their armamanet being 7 15cm guns, and a number of machine guns for anti aircraft protection. She also had to Fokker biplanes on board. het warrime crew was 470 men. The ship had an armour belt at the waterline, but that alos was more basedshipdesign inthe interbellum than a match to the modern ships of the early forties. She was the flagship of the combined fleet inthe Java-sea, and went down in that battle in 1942, on februari 27th. The basic design of the hull is comparable to that of many scaldis-models: a triangular guirder that acts as the backbone of the model, the frames are slotted on this beam, deck glued on top, andnext the hull (in threepieces) attached. I will glue a sepearte 160grams sheet under the decks, as with Axeldijk I discovered that the deck remains a bit wobbly, and tends to curve in unexpected (and unwanted) places, resulting in deck-houses not being vertical.... I don't actually like this construcion: it is rather sturdy,but any dolding or gluing errors in that triangular part willend up in a skewed hull (and there is no way ofcorrecting that skewedness). There are some buildlogs of DeRuyter around, but almost none of them reaches the end. I wonder why..... Jan
  2. Last night I did the last 'rigging'. As I did not make any eyebolts in the railing, tensioning up was a bit of a problem. Next time, i may try to rig using copperwire, as that does not hase any fuzziness, and is a bit more straight. the antennae are doen with a elastictype or line (EZ-line) easy to work with, but.... the tension was justenoughto slacken the rigging of the cranes. Lessonlearned for the next time. And I need tofind a provider of some decent ca glue. My local shop has only small tubes of rather licquid, but relatively slow setting CA. Besides: after opening, the tube can not be reclosed properly, so each time Ineed CA, Ihave to revisit the shop. Rather annoying.... I did some lousy pics using my cell-phone (camera battery was flat, should redo them ona sunny day, as these pics do not exactly flatter themodel ) For now this log that is not a log willbe closed, asthe model is finished (actually a bit proud: this thing is the first build in over a decade that reaches the end ) I have two card-models more or less going, but Iwill start a third, as that seems to be the easiest one: again a1:250, issuedby Scaldis (and designed by JSC). lLight cruiser De Ruyter (1936). Jan
  3. Almost there..... today I did the remainder with f the railings. the stern is a bit of a problem: the railing should slope upward, outward, and curve. Can't be done with a straight cardboard one. Especially while the deck is a bit skewed.... after some nasty words, I am not to displeased with the result (considering it a first...:) ) I also included a steip arou d the deck, and some pillars below the extended decks (as in many pics of the original ships these show up) the railngs onthe cranes needed some colour, I used watercolours. Easy tomix, but a bit hard on the card... I decided to leave out the railings to the stairs: they are not included in my lasercut set, and experiments to do them out of card are not fit to be shown (wrong thickness, wrong colour and far to irregular. Now the antennae and the flagpoles remain. Almost there....:) (Would be a first model completed in ages) Jan
  4. Yes, I understand, but she wouldn't be the first war grave in those seas that disappear.... Jan
  5. The result is stunning. I was goning to ask for a size reference, until I discovered that is was already there. As soon as I recognized it, my admiration for your skills grew even more Do you work using an optivisor? Jan
  6. I do hope sincerely that the wreck is left in peace. Jan
  7. No, not been there yet. dafi did an extremely detailed one for his Victory. you could try that method...(at leat, that is what Iintend when I reach that stage in a couple of years) Jan
  8. I am a complete ignoramus on these apint-jobs. could you explain the procedure? you apint black lines along the plate,edges, but why? You go over it with a couple of colours in several layers. What does this black add? Jan
  9. And this one (fromthe internet, but originating froma bookby Underhill) showing how the shrouds go through thetop, over thecheeks.
  10. No, that is not how it was done on the original ship. the shroud isn't tied off, it is taken round the mast, and than down again. so, coming from below, through a hole inthe top, around the mast, and down again, the shroud has a small line tied arou d it, so that it forms a loop around the mast. Seee the pic below: 2 and 3 are your shrouds, your top is at the level of the square piece of wood below. Number 1 is the solution for an uneven number of shroulds: not tied of at the last,but around the mast, and down at the other side. (i took the picfromthe internet, I think it originates for a book by Frank Mastini, ship Modelling made easy.) jan
  11. Over the last two hours my admiration for those guys building PE-guns for their plastic models at scale 1:350 increased tremendously. in stead of using the printed railings I bought myself a set of laser cutted standardrailings (paper). After two hours of fiddling around, it looks quite OK, but my eyes hurt......and this isn't small, standchions are 6mm apart, so handling isn't that difficult. Besides, it is just paper, so it can be glued easily, withtout any risk for fingers. but, it is worth the effort. Jan
  12. Sorry, you're right ofcourse. Got them mixed up. (only thing I can't remember (and not check as it was before the crash of MSW1): Martanek had a fairly extensive buildlog here: was it the Japanese Fuso of the Italian Roma?) Jan
  13. So many mistakes, and it still looks like a boat. So they can't be very severe mistakes Jan
  14. I don't know. He left msw as there were to few papermodellers, but he seems to have left all fora. Perhaps other life-events became more important, or he decided that posting the same stuff over and over again were not so much fun as the building itself. Who knows, he didn't leave any 'goodby-messages'. jan
  15. It is startting to remind me of Martanek's buid of the Fuso. A comparable ship (Italian) from the same period. He did it without PE, and did wonders with "just" copper wire and paper. But the priciple was the same: each time we were thinking it couldn't get smaller and/or more crowded, more details were added. I like these models a lot. Jan
  16. I held a piece of .2mm wire to my screen while looking at those guns. Still not recovered....... Jan
  17. These two pieces are not painted in the Utrecht. In dutch they are called'overloop', no ideawhat the english name is. they are slightly curved, and the corners are 'rounded', to prevent the metal ring getting stuck inthe wood. Note: they are locatedveryneartothedeck, and not to the uppersideof the railing. jan
  18. And the last one (pic from the book on the Utrecht). Onthe starboardside,you can see the rather sturdyblock of wood between the frames in the positionof the leeboard.
  19. And outside. Don't ask me what the line is for. I guess to prevent loss when the metal Gets loose.
  20. See, nothing fancy on the inside. The slab is outside, to get the leeboard outside of the wales, and at the correct angle.
  21. I can get you a pic of the inside. But you'll have to wait as I can't find it now. sometimes, at the position ot the leeboard, the frames extend all the way up to the railing to inforce this area. jan
  22. Did some work today. Unfortunatedly, during our mobe last summer, the aft crane had a severe blow, resulting in a backward tilt. I got it almost vertical again, but not entirely did the rigging of the cranes (the basic version next will be the tedios work of railing. I have a laser cut general railing set, i could alos go for self-maed, or the ugly kitprovided version (just railing rpinted on white cardboard.) I guess it will be the laser-cut version.
  23. The instruction I had with my (Corel) Prins Willem, was done by someone who looked up word-by-word in a dictionary, and had no understanding of ships nor modelbuilding. Jan
  24. As far as I understand, he is going to build her outside-inwards: starting with the plating, than adding ribs, interior plating, decks, etc. I guess, that once the paper plating fits, he is redoing it in styrene sheeting. Never seen it done this way before. Jan
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