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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hi Piet, That is a very nice result. And as you ask: I think the smoke from the stacks is convincing, the smoke from the guns is not. I have three points of doubt: 1. the form: I was in the artillery during my military service (10 guys to man one gun, so I am not too surprised by the number of man standing to one gun). And one thing we learned: The smokeball from the gun has a strange form: once the shell leaves the gun, the first amount of smoke is blown sideways, at the same time the gumn recoils, and the remainder of the smoke trails the shell. It makes the smokeball a bit lengthened, but slightly wider at the point where it leaves the gun, but also: the end of the gun is covered in smoke just after firing. And also: the smoke ball is denser and darker in the middle, and more open at the outside, especially when there is some wind blowing.It is certainly not a round ball-like cloud (and of course: the size of the smokeball depending on quite a lot of factors). 2. the place were it is relative to the guns: as the ship is going full speed, the smoke ball is not in the middle of the gun, but it trails the ship a bit. 3. : when you depict the gun while firing, the last smoke leaving contains burning powder, and is therefore colored different from the remainder of the smokeball. In short: I like the result so far, but I think the gun-smoke needs some tuning..... (below the only pic of a firing gun I have in my archive: A Dutch M114/39 shortly after firing a shell)
  2. But as you guys all climb the roof, I will take the empty spot just next to his work bench. I need to be close, as my eyesight is not good enough to folow the work from some distance. Hope you don't mind. I'll honestly try not to spill my popcorn crumbs over his freshly painted parts. Jan
  3. Every time I see your model, it becomes more and more clear that Katherine is a very elegant ship in her lines and appearance. I like her very much. Jan
  4. Those amazonprices are ridiculous. European bookstores ask more reasonable prices. Perhaps this book is still available in the bookstore Jan
  5. This book shows modern designs, all made by the same designer. These designs are all yaghts based on the old dutch working boats. They are as such not drawings of old shiptypes and working boats. Depends on your goals whether or not this is a usefull book for you. Jan
  6. It is this one: https://www.ssrp.nl/publicaties/boeken/platbodemjachten-van-jk-gipon
  7. Hi, That will a difficult one. In the seventies, quite a lot of books on these ships were published, all looking more or less the same. (at least: in type of content: a description of the ships, illustrated with some line-plans and general plans, and a lot of fotographic material.) Unless you have a hint of the front cover, or the list of contents, you'll need someone that actually owns the book to get a confirmation.... I don't know the quality of your Dutch, but this site offers a lot of info on these classic dutch ships: https://www.ssrp.nl/stamboek/scheepstypes Jan
  8. This answer doesn't diminishing my amount of strungling. Only the contents of it the level of detail in these paperkits is astonishing. Jan
  9. Luckily the flu didn't damage your building quality I am a bit struggling to see where the cardboard ends and the PE sets in with the guns. Do you have a pic halfway the construction? Jan
  10. Hi Carl, The material sold is coconut-fiber, and I understood that Marcus didn't like that material. Although I don't understand why, because these near straight fibers are scale-wise much better than these plastic bristles.... The same material is also sold as nesting material for cage-birds. I guess it is cheaper when sold as nesting material compared to scale building material @Marcus: using anything thicker than the coconut-fiber is hugely over scale, and will (my humble opinion) not do justice to your mill. Real thatching is just dried reed, about one-and a half meter long, and not more than 4/5 mm thick. anything thicker than 0.5 mm will be overscale. The fun is that in a well thatched roof, the individual reeds can't be seen, unless you are a a viewing distance of anything within a couple of meters. I therefore understand the suggestion of using a kind of paste-like material applied with a coarse brush, and paint it afterwards in the correct colour. Jan
  11. Hi Betaqdave, One thing I know for sure, these strips are not part of a kit, for the simple reason that Doris does not use any kits, it is all scratch build from drawing and paintings Jan
  12. What are you building: scratch, or kit? In a kit, most parts are on the general plan, but also in much more detail in de separate plan. The need to have your drawings full size against the wall is less urgent in that case. In answer: I did my Prins Willem mostly on partly folded drawings. Only when I really needed the full scale general view drawings, I laid them out on the floor, did my measurements, and folded them again. (and yes, after ten years of folding and unfolding, the drawing has become a bit shabby) Jan
  13. Wow, that looks wonderfull. Dont iverdo the waves and details, it is wuite atunning how irr is. did you already try a pic at a low cameraposition? jan
  14. yeah, not showing pictures is a bit of a no-go strategy. Actually, it is a near-criminal act Hope the surgery solves the eye-problems. Not being able to see well is a bit of a handicap when you do small-scale work. Actually, it is a bit of a handicap in all your doings.... Jan
  15. This is a dry, newly thatched mill: sharplines, one colour. Old (notice the moss), and less sharp corners in the thatch, but very dry (because, greyish colour) Thatching is expensive, so not uncommon: pnly replace the leaking side... head forsomething that is between these colours, and you willbe OK. (and: dont tey to google for a wet mill, tourists apparently never take pics in the rain :)) And when you want to get an impressionof changing colours over time, and over the day, google 'kinderdijk molen' those are the most famous eightsided mill inthe Netherlands, and therefore the most fotographed.. 8 mills, never the same colour. Jan
  16. The colour also depends on the temperature/amount of sun over the last twoweeks. water makes the thatch more dark brwon, and it makes the moss grow, so there will also be a greenish colour. Sunn and warmth will result in the moss drying (and falling off), the moisture disappear, so the whole thing becomes more greyish. On my way to work I come by a couple of these mills every day: theircolour is letterallynever the same. google for molen rietgedekt, and you will get the full range of colours. Pick some 'inthe middle' greyish brown' and that will do. Very dark and starkyellowish do exist inreallife, but will generallynot do to depect a mill. Jan
  17. Gelderland and the States are (at least, so I have been told) in different time zones. Guess he just started his beautysleep. So, we can go to work, and still be home in time to see him waking up Jan
  18. I know, but the risk is smaller, and I don't like risks. Second: I prefer low tech over high-tech. That's why polymers wouldn't be my first choice. I have seen very nice seas composed from toilet-paper, water diluted glue, acrylic paint and high-gloss lacquer. Jan
  19. Piet, Sounds lile a sensible strategy. One thought however, won’t the screws and axes not prohibit takimg her out again, and will these small arts be as heatresistant as the hull itself? In your case my first thought would have been plaster of paris Jan
  20. Hi Piet, I think Carl means the edges of the groove Java is sitting in, not the diagonal position of the groove itself. if your see is transparant, you will keep seeing these rather hard angles. I would consider not showing actual gunfiring. Most dio's use kind of fluffy material to suggest smoke, but in the instances I habe seen, it was just that: fluffy material attached to a gun.... perhaps less is more in this case. Jan
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