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Everything posted by amateur

  1. The AL-picture shows something that I think is in line with Pastors book: a fixed pole, secured to the lower mast. I think you get a very realistic looking model when you take Javier Pastors books (page 86 shows the shrouds) Given the small amount of sail that should do. Also, as there is almost no sail to that mast, there is/was no need to have shroulds on that top-mast. (according to Pastros reconstruction, but also according to others). Jan
  2. Reminds me…. Hope you have a more elegant solution. Jan
  3. Took me some time to find the gallery on my mobile Getting old as well.... Jan
  4. Which is not there when using the mobile-layout, or at least not as obvious as this) In mobile-mode, it is only available in the menu (upper right corner) Jan
  5. Impressive! I know it is part of the fun, but it is a shame that alll thise frames and deck structures are disappearing behind the outer skin Jan
  6. The military museum n Soesterberg still has one in the collection. (The emblem in colour) Rather noisy things, those f15s, flying low above the surrounding villages (and never alone. Teacher had to stop talking when they were flying over, and the windows were trembling ... ) Jan
  7. I think much more, about 40-50 centimeters? Jan
  8. Maritiemdigitaal is next to useless. Even if you succeed in finding what you are looking for the quality of both picture and description is almost always insufficient. Jan
  9. Not only the printing is clever. The glueing trick also deserves to be remembered Jan
  10. Side view and waterlines of a small frigate Section drawn by Sturckenburg (I could only find the redrawn version of Otte Blom) Could only find a book-copy of the third drawing I never heard of any other drawings at the Maritime miseum, nor did I see any pictures of such drawings. Would be very interesting to know whether there exist any other drawings. Jan
  11. Hi Philemon, what surprises me is that in all the builders-contracts there seems to be no reference to any drawings, nor to the approval of such drawings before the work commences. One of the members here (Werner) has spent literaly weeks in the Dutch archives and nowhere seems to be anything that points at such drawings or the use of them. Only from almost a century later (Pieter Zwijdrecht), there seems to be a number of linedrawings that were used in shipdesign (and I assume, also the building of those ships). Any thoughts on that? The drawings in the scheepvaartmuseum are three drawings that are available in the web: a longitudinal section of a threedecked ship, attributed to Sturckenburg, and two technical looking drawings of a smallfrigate (most Berlin-reconsteuctions are based on those drawings). A coupke of years ago Ab Hoving published a review of these drawings, suggesting a more in depth research of these drawings: He notices some problems with the drawings. They are made on paper that has a watermark that is (or seems) newer than the date on the drawing, there are technical terms in the drawings that do not match the terminology in the builders contracts, the construction/frames do not match what we know of building practice in that period, They have no provenance and they came in possession of the museum in a period that there was a huge demand for 'stuff from the golden age'. I will look for a web-link. Jan
  12. 60 dollars seems to be the lowest shipping costs I can get Makes buying rather expensive …. Perhaps a problem for all packages from there to here, but in this way american webshops are not avserious option for european buyers Jan
  13. Yrah,, and it is self-classified as ‘good enough, but not perfect’. Makes me wonder: How would a ‘very good, near perfect’ look like?? I only know paint by brush, those airbrush-jobs look terrific. But I guess it takes more thsn you can see (in talent, time and experience) to get it ‘not perfect’ like this… Jan
  14. The pic you showed of the original rigging (or at least, the remainders of it) do not show any signs of ratlines on the aft mast. I would leave them out, without ratlines, she has a cleaner look. Jan
  15. And where did you buy your kit? as Chris says: the hmv-s come as complete sets. Without base, but you don’t need that to build the model. jan
  16. Hi Tim, This is definitively a German Torpedoboat. Quite a lot of these ships were build just before worldwar I. A similar design was build for the Dutch Navy (by the same firm: Vulcan in Stettin) On a few German card fora the design of digital navy is critisized, as it looks as if it is based on only one side view ( the ship is not completely symmetrical, although DN designed it that way). Also not both funnels are round: one (i believe it is the rear funnel) is elliptical. But for all people that do not know those details, it is a very nice card model (still have to finish mine ) Jan
  17. When turning to pva, make sure your rigging line is natural stuff. The guterman polyester thread I used doesn't mind the PVA, and keeps loosening up .... Jan
  18. Nice work! Almost all inland steamtugs had funnels that could be lowered. It is rather difficult to find a pic of a lowered funnel, though. I have been looking for it, and I found one (at 1:35 you see a boat nearing the bridge) Jan
  19. Nice model! normally Corel has a rather basic numbering system, showing what goes where. Not easy to follow, but it leaves little to guess (only number matching) As soon as I understood the system, it worked like a charm. can you give a pic of the plans, that might help in finding the solution to your problem(s) Jan
  20. I think both of them arr models of the same ship: Cutty Sark. With respect to value: they do not look alike very high quality model, so I suspect sentimental vslue exceeds market value. Kit or scratch: difficult to tell from these pics. Jan
  21. Welcome! Is your boat live-steam ? Jan
  22. Hi Keith, true, but they won't differ inches in length.... Jan
  23. Although pic 1 in post #1 suggests a normal (ie equal lengt) shrouds. The photo isn't quite sharp, but it looks as if the seizings are in place, and the shroulds just snapped above the dead eyes. In that case, the length of the shroulds should pretty much show you where the upper dead eyes would have been. Does that help in any way? Jan
  24. Although a lighthouse does not claasify as ‘non-shipping related’ Papershipwrihgt does have nice kits with loads of tiny parts. I’m trying to do one of the free downloads. Advantage of downloads: everything eaten by the carpet-monster can be reprinted. Jan
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