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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Hmmm... I see the model every day, otherwise I would have forgotten it... Far too less time to do some serious work on it. Jan
  2. Actually Ab WAS the lead restorer. He retired last year. The new display is nice, yes. I like the fact that Prins Willem is on display again. And is displayed 'the old fashioned way': just by itself, in a free standing glass case, so you can go round, and round, and round, and have a pretty good view of everything.... 'Modellen vertellen' is a very nice book indeed. Lots to see, lots to read, even (or especially) for those interested in the story instead of the models themselves. Jan
  3. Some american fishing boat, or something
  4. Pat: VolEndam, please...... Wefalck, your model ands its setting is absolutely fantastic. It is difficult to realize that the picture is larger than real life.... two questions: were did the tiller go and is there a bowsprit hidden under the foresail, or did you leave that one out? Jan
  5. As you seem to know both Ab and Herbert, you could as well ask them.... (both on the colours as well as the scuppers) Jan
  6. Can't find anything Austro and you're from Romania, so perhaps:Fulgerul?
  7. and the full hull (sorry, don't have other pics of the model, as it was behind glass using flash and taking close ups was out of the question...)
  8. This is the artitec model in Lelystad. The green is almost grey, and only slightly darker than the bronze guns. On the left of the puic you can (bit hazy) see the difference in the water-sprouts on the lower deck (round, sticking out of the hull) and the upper deck (just a hole (just below the guns)
  9. Hello Kester, Yes, I know that the ringbolts are a bit awkward... The gun however is fully run in in this pic, so that it is close to the wheels is understandable, but still.... Has perhaps something to do with the fact that the gun-reconstructions were done years after the ship was build.... I checked the drawings: in Batavia the ringbolts are plced on the so called 'schaarstokken', the heavier pieces of wood running from front to end. As it is a merchant ship, the area between these schaarstokken are almost entirely used for the main hatches to get the cargo into the deeper hull. There is no way in Batavia to get the ringbolts near the ships centerline, as was done tin the heavier ships of the line. Although, I checked on the zweidecker as photographed by Winter and there aoos the ringbolts are placed in the schaarstokken, and not on the decks center line. Jan
  10. I can tell you were this canon is living: Batavia, Lelystad The rigging of this gun is incomplete: there is no breachrope ('broektouw') that is intended to counteract the recoil of the gun. Also, the tackle intended to run the gun in, is not hooked to the ring in the deck, but also hooked into the same ringbolt in the hull to which the tackle intended to run the gun out is hooked. So: breachrope missing, and of the two tackles shown in this pic ones intended to go forward, the other backward. Jan
  11. I've been looking at the pics in Winter, but I can't see how exactly the thing is done there. On the model of the Prins Willem, there are only small wooden blocks on the outside, with a hole in it, suggesting something like Dik has drawn. On the other hand, the round holes in Winter suggest something like a lead pipe, just sticking through the hull..... Witsen in his book on the PInas, just draws a simple lead pipe (plate XLIII). However, on plate 33 he draws it as a square pice of wood (bosch), and in the tekst he gives the dimensions of it, and shows also the small leather tube that is fixed to it, to prevent water getting into the ship through these wooden pipes. Hoving writes that the bos is set through the 'lijfhout', more or less like Dik is showing it. However, ZP is much later than Witsen's Pinas..... The Artitec-model in Lelystad shows round (wooden?) pipes through the hull at the lower gundeck, while there are just (square) holes in the hull at the upper deck. Jan
  12. Sorry Dan, But to my untrained eye, there are no mistakes. If you want us to discuss the mistakes, you'll have to report them yourself Jan
  13. You mean the colour that Jack used on his model of the Zweidecker?
  14. White uniforms, could also be austro-hungarian..... same contient, quite a distance Jan
  15. Spanish gunboat Elcano (1885?) Jan
  16. Hi Sjors, A ship is symmetrical, so you know what's there Jan
  17. Yes, she is. Jan
  18. Ha, I killed the game Jan
  19. Permission granted! Absolutely realistic (only the stew and the cook are missing, otherwise we would happily belive it was the real thing!) Going this way, I guess reliable maps in the chart-room will be your next objective Jan
  20. as an illustration to the 'facial expression' I think I already posted the link to more of my pics of the ship: https://picasaweb.google.com/101597346346552139735/UtrechtsStatenjacht?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  21. This is her at her second (and last) owner. In her early days she had different colours and even a basic sail rig.... Jan
  22. You have the correct type of ship, the correct period and the correct timing of the picture. Now all you need is the ships name Jan
  23. Dremels are beautiful, but also quite powerfull (too powerful in my opinion, I have a 40W minicraft, and it is well suited for most jobs, powerwise speaking) Do you have something like a X-acto or Swan knife (blade 11)? Getting your knife in from the outside of the hull, and starting in the centre of the gunport, and slowly cutting towards the sides. The small round holes: I would suggest a small round ratfile (search for naaldvijl in Dutch). slowly turning round and gently pushing inward, until the correct diameter is reached. Jan
  24. schon jut...... Weiss ich doch Jan
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