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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Bratwurst und Sauerkraut Oder Currywurst mit Bier Jan
  2. Sheer luck, it was one of the first showing up when I went looking for a "croiseur WWI" fomr France Something quite different Jan
  3. http://www.holtenau-info.de/history/eroeffnungsfeier-1895.htm So in fact, it is nothing more than a (quite pompous) restaurant. (but hey, its German ) Jan
  4. I can paste the link (using IE 11....), but I found a german site telling that there were massive festivities for the opening of the Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal in 1895 (make a search for einweihung Kaiser Wilhelm Kanal, and quite a lot of german history sites popup) There was a park laid ouot for the festivities, and in the middle of that park, a mock up of a former German frigate (Niobe) was build as 'Festsaal' Jan
  5. The German Kriegsmarine was well into the steam era by 1850. I guess this is a fake ship, to remember the glorious past of the Kreigsmarine. One of our German members can perhaps shedd some light in this. (thr rigging looks quite convincing, btw...) Jan
  6. btw it is unprotected cruiser Cosmao
  7. Nope, will not solve the problem (at least, it didn't do the trick for me) Jan
  8. INteresting perhaps, but I still don't know whether or not I like these French cruisers Jan
  9. Bow and tumblehome suggest a Frech liaison.... Jan
  10. It's not a bristol Chanel cutter? Jan
  11. Royal Charles was partly correct at the last one Jan
  12. Isn't it scary to go 'top-down'? in case of mis-allignments, there is little room for correction... Stacking the stern-decorations bottom-up looks safer to me... Jan
  13. It just requires some clever positioning of the finished model (all my models do have an A- and a B-side ) Jan
  14. Perhaps it is another Royal Charles? Jan
  15. On second thought, it can't be the Naseby/Royal Charles, because "we" took this of her stern:
  16. What do you mean by 'partly correct'? Do you mean this is one of the two names she had, or..... Jan
  17. Hi Remco, Just leave it at Kingfisher. There is nothing else to rename it to. And once, in the distant future, you will build a new one, avoinding all the mistakes and errors you made in this one, (presumably finding new ones along the route ) btw are you sure on the 12" difference? If so, why didn't no one observe it before? Jan
  18. Yup, I thought it might be easy, but not THAT easy It is O1, even before it became O1: the shipyard buld it for own account (under the name "luctor et emergo"), and only after testing the navy thought it could be a useful device..... Jan
  19. OK, here's te next one. Jan
  20. No, it's not. Its a French torpedo boat: Le Kabyle. Jan
  21. Which makes it an early French torpedo boat. I'm on the hunt.... Jan
  22. The thing in the background, is that the old 'bridge' in the harbour of Marseille? JAn
  23. Which makes it Japanese or Russian Imperial Navy. Jan
  24. WWI era German Panzerkreuzer....?? Jan
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