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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Sorry, You're right: checked it in Witsen, and the triangle part should indeed be on the outside of the stem. Jan
  2. Hi Drazen, Are you sure about the stempost? (I'm not sure about the triangle part on the lower end of it.) Jan
  3. uhhhhmmmmm.... You're not applying your own standards to the rest of the world, aren't you? But, Piet should be able to live up against these standards. Real life ammunition would be even better. (btw what kind of ammo was used in these guns?) Jan
  4. beam engine paddle steamer. My first idea is great lakes. Hoever, the hull itself is not so 'lake-like' Jan
  5. It's not a red herring.... This former beauty is all over the web. She's in a very sorry state right now, I believe. Jan
  6. Strugling, can't find any refernce in the pic: how large (or should I say: tiny) is that wonderfull bell? Jan
  7. James Lees states that these breast stays were rather uncommon, but in their lay-out do look like 'normal' back stacks. (unfortunatedly, he does not give a picture to show the exact lay-out. ) Jan
  8. Wow, I didn't expect to see this after seeing that badly warped hull in your first picture..... Jan
  9. Nice details! btw based on your age I would have expaected a picture like this one: http://www.geheugenvannederland.nl/?/nl/items/PKL01:F-66-034 Jan
  10. still active, so it's not Mesquite (she stranded) 5 to go Jan
  11. B-clas perhaps? That narrows it donw considerably: only 6 of them.... Jan
  12. Sorry, thought you would have it. You can find the download here: http://dbnl.nl/tekst/saveas.php?filename=wits008arch01_01_scans.pdf&dir=wits008arch01_01&type=pdf Jan
  13. Hi Drazen, You should have a look at the famous book by Witsen: plate XXXV: there he shows that the main capstan is resting on a heave beam one deck below (the visser). The part which you see does not bear the full weight of the capstan. Witsen is not very clear in showing the construction of this visible part. The drawing suggest lengthwise (like in Wasa). Hoving follows that in his reconstruction of the Pinace. Also: picture 34 in the book by Winter: lengthsie, not resting on the schaarstooken, but on the deckbeams (and check Winters lengthwise cross section drawing: the main capstan (which is actuaal one deck lower than in ZP) has its visser restng on the keel, the forward capstan has it as a large piece of wood, attached under the deckbeams of the main deck. Jan
  14. Your 'plastic flowerpot' very well deserves being there. Thanks for the pictures. I guess that being there was a day well spent. Jan
  15. Hi Drazen, What part exactly is it you need a picture of? Jan
  16. PS far more than just the funnel logo was repainted Actually, her whole hull was repainted for this picture. Jan
  17. Mexican hot & spicey that is for sure. I think you nailed her Eamonn! Jan
  18. I can't find anything looking like that funnel-logo..... (or did you copy-past your own into that pic?) Jan
  19. Using those words as search terms, I get mainly ugly cars..... Jan
  20. ft, 8inch Actually, it is in Andy's post, just above the first pic. 4 ft, 8 inch (or did Andy edit it in afterwards, just to suggest you're blind? ) Jan
  21. Just a question: did this lantern came 'out of the box'? Or was there a destrcution I happended to miss? Jan
  22. Nice sub! Perhaps even worth two Leffe's or perhaps Sjors can arrange a "jonkie" for you.... Jan
  23. Did well?? you think so? You even can't get the doors of that cabinet open I think he made it a rush-job Jan
  24. With respect to the bookshops in both the Rijks and the Maritime: don't hope for too much if I were you. (I went there and was a bit disappointed) The Maritime has a wonderfull library (free entry), but the bookshops in both museums tend to focus on 'tourists' mainly, not on interested geeks like us.... Jan
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