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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Perhaps it is another Royal Charles? Jan
  2. On second thought, it can't be the Naseby/Royal Charles, because "we" took this of her stern:
  3. What do you mean by 'partly correct'? Do you mean this is one of the two names she had, or..... Jan
  4. Hi Remco, Just leave it at Kingfisher. There is nothing else to rename it to. And once, in the distant future, you will build a new one, avoinding all the mistakes and errors you made in this one, (presumably finding new ones along the route ) btw are you sure on the 12" difference? If so, why didn't no one observe it before? Jan
  5. Yup, I thought it might be easy, but not THAT easy It is O1, even before it became O1: the shipyard buld it for own account (under the name "luctor et emergo"), and only after testing the navy thought it could be a useful device..... Jan
  6. No, it's not. Its a French torpedo boat: Le Kabyle. Jan
  7. Which makes it an early French torpedo boat. I'm on the hunt.... Jan
  8. The thing in the background, is that the old 'bridge' in the harbour of Marseille? JAn
  9. Which makes it Japanese or Russian Imperial Navy. Jan
  10. WWI era German Panzerkreuzer....?? Jan
  11. Hello Ed, She has beautiful lines. I have a question: (perhaps I missed the answer in the preceding pages): why is this type of ship named éxtreme'clipper? What is so éxtreme' about the ship? (I also found reference to 'medium'clippers. Suggesting that there is some ranking in these ships. Can't find out what exactly) Can you explain? Jan
  12. Figured out that yesterday evenning. Used Chrome to upload the pic... I don't like microsoft at all.... Updates should do MORE than the previous version not LESS..... Jan
  13. Today, I managed to do some work on the standing rigging of my Prins WIllem. I made some pics, but one way or the other, there is no way I can get a link copied into this post (pics are taken with a very direct flash in a dark room, so there wasn't much to see anyway \ I managed to snip of all loose ends of the ratlines in the fore mast (wothout doning any damage to other lines) Standing rigging on the fore is finished now. I also finished rattling down the main mast and secured all knots by a small dab of dilluted white glue, and I made the last stay on the mizzen. Hope to continue tomorrow, and also to show you some pics. (I hope I will figure out by tomorrow why I can't copy-paste any links into my postings. ... Ah well, IE11, stupid microsoft....Google Chromedoes the trick. I suspect uninstalling IE11 also) Jan
  14. Hello Wefalck, I like the nets. I think you couldnt have done better 'without cheating'. I never read the book by Dorleijn, but I know that there is a wide variety in types of nets used, depending on the type (and size) of fish, which in turn depends on the time of year. There is the 'staand want', which are just square nets, hung in the water by the use of buoys. And there is the 'gaand want', which are nets that are towed by either one or with two botters. These nets are like giant eal-traps (ahlreuse). Called 'kor' or 'kuil' nets. Hung to the mast, I don't think any differences will show: it is just netting. There are some differences to the mash-size. But at your scale I don't think that will show. Jan
  15. Yep, that's the one. I still regret the closing of the one two streets away (oude binnenweg, Van Nieuwenhuizen) Jan PS Before you start complaining over my opinion on people from Rotterdam: My whole family is from Roterdam (that is to say: Zuid)
  16. Hi Jan, Being stubborn and being from Rotterdam, isn't that telling us the same thing twice ? I know it's not fun to break things down you put hard work into, but in this case, I would reconsider removing and redoing the bulwarks. gettnig your gunports in the wrong place is going to give ris to all kins of problems later on (things not fitting, or being in the wrong place althogether...) You could even go to a shop downtown to get you some replacement wood (Westewagenstraat. They are more into trains, but they used to have some plywood and other basic materials). Jan
  17. Hi Piet, She' s getting better and better every day. (and at an amazing speed ...) I wish you 'prettige kerstdagen en een gelukkig 2014'. Jan
  18. Sorry to correct you: I think you mean "Addie M Lawrence" see www.afn.org/~stan/ships.html Jan
  19. At least, it is one mast short of Thomas W Lawson... Jan
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