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About cole

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    Calgary Alberta

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  1. Forgot to say I would cover any costs from copying and postage of the manual.



  2. Hi Cole,


    I have a Caldercraft Agamemnon but do not have a manual. I was wondering if you found a kit and If so I was also wondering if you have the manual for the kit? If so might you be willing to pass along a copy to me?


    I have tried to contact Jotika many many times on this issue but have never heard back from them! Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Mike Short,

    Pflugerville TX.


    1. Charter33


      Hi Cole,

      Just a thought, and things may have now changed, but you used to be able to download Caldercraft manuals for free from their website. I did this for my HMS Victory, once to read up on what I was letting myself in for prior to the kit arriving, and later so that I could read ahead and plan when away from home and model shipyard.

  3. Ok I have had an amazing day! For my 60th birthday my wife and kids gave me the Caldercraft HMS Victory!! This will be my third Victory build. My sister also painted me a picture of the Victory, my favourite ship. What an amazing job she did!! She is so talented. It was a 100% surprise and just blew me away. Cheers Grant
  4. Thanks for the replies both are helpful! I will look at the build log. Cheers, Cole
  5. Good morning, I would like to get advice from the group, I am thinking of building the Sovereign of the Sea. I would consider myself an advanced builder as I have built 17 ships with 3 of them being scratch builds. Just finished the Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon. I would like to get anyone's feedback on which route I should take: 1. Build the Mantua Sovereign of the sea, I have built the Mantua HMS Victory and Constitution. Don't mind Mantua just worried with all the carvings on the Sovereign that they may be to "bulky" and not look realistic. 2. Build the Sergal Sovereign of the Sea, I built the Sergal Victory (Actually Panart, are they not the same?) 3. The most ambitious plan, Buy Mckays book on the Sovereign build the ship from scratch.....The problem is all the carvings, that is above my skill level. Maybe buy a 3D printer and somehow printout the carvings (maybe I am dreaming). Anyway, if you have built either kit let me know your thoughts. If you are into 3D printing also let me know how steep the learning curve is and would printing out that many decorations even be feasible. Thanks, Cole
  6. I have been looking to buy the Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon but with Covid no one seems to have one in stock. Any members have one in their collection that they would like to sell? Unbuilt of coarse. Let me know. Cheers, Grant
  7. Thanks to everyone for there response. Pat and JTC excellant examples and food for thought. I will keep everyone posted and post some pictures of my progress so far. Cheers, Cole
  8. Hello Everyone, I am currently build a scratch Uss Constitution at a scale of 1:96. It is a waterline model. My question is.......the cutters, whale boats and or barges (all the ships boats) would have been covered in canvas during sailing, or would they? Has anyone covered there boats with canvas before? If so could you post a picture. I am playing with the idea of using silkspan but not sure if at the end of the day the canvas covers will look unrealistic. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Cole
  9. Julian, Great work!! Looking very good. If you needed some walnut you should have asked me! I could have cut you up a piece. Hope all is well, Cheers, Grant
  10. I was able to get some excellent Swiss Pear from East Coast Specialty Hardwoods. Shipping to Alberta was reasonable. Cheers, Cole
  11. Julian, You have done some great work since I last saw your Bluenose! Keep up the good work and the pictures too. Cheers, Grant
  12. If you don't want the Masting and Rigging book I will certainly purchase it from you. Thanks, Cole (Calgary)
  13. Hi Michael, Great job!! I am enjoying your build. I was recently at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm and was absolutely blown away. I was so impressed that I came home a bought the Corel Vasa. I still need to finish up a scratch build before tackling the Vasa. I hope mine turns out as good as yours. If anyone gets a chance go to Stockholm and see the Vasa it is an amazing sight. It is just as impressive as seeing the Victory. Cheers, Grant
  14. Wow, thanks to everyone! A lot of excellent information! I will try all of your suggestions. Cheers, Cole
  15. Hi, I recently bought a Proxxon FET table saw. I have been experimenting with different cuts as I have never owned a table saw before. The biggest problem i see is it is difficult to do very thin cuts with the saw blade guard attached. I know most people remove it. With out the blade guard I seemed to be getting some kick backs. I was using a push stick but what do I do if I am cutting a piece only a mm or 2 in width? That is the cut stock is 1mm cut from a larger piece. Do I use a 1mm push stick. I put the blade guard back on and just rested it on the fence for the close cuts. It still seemed to kick back, even though the spreader blade was attached. I have been mainly cutting 1/4" plywood for my frames. Is it the blade, it is a 24 tooth carbide bit (supplied). I also tired adjusting the blade higher. I was also getting kick backs with larger cuts, say thicker than 5mm. Hope this makes sense. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Cole
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