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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. I would strongly recommend going much larger with the letters....AND if you can, make them on a curve t match the curve of the counter. But yes it looks great. Let me see if I can facilitate something for you, see below.....
  2. Keep in mind we did moderate that that topic. And what you cant see, is that we did speak to those who treated the OP badly. There is and will be no tolerance for belittling other members. We have hundreds of members who may not be experts or they may even be beginners. To call what they have posted as a tip or suggestion "trash" is not something we want to condone at MSW. We have many new builders who are proud of what they have done. They want to share their methods and work. It may not be perfect or masterful. But they dont deserve to be treated badly. And you wonder why new folks dont stick around. Its because of people like those members who bashed the guy. I counted six. And I must say if those six experts suddenly vanished from the site...it would be less impactful then the scores of new builders alienated and poorly treated by them. These so called experts who love to pontificate (you know who they are) will not be allowed to treat other members like dirt. They have been formally warned. If they continue...they will be banned. The OP of that topic was NOT banned. Nor was the topic removed. It was being cleaned up and pruned of the nasty remarks other members were making. Such as the one below. Who would actually have the balls to to post THIS!!! ...on another persons topic no less. They should be ashamed of themselves. As if they are so perfect. Pompous posters who love to pontificate on their wealth of knowledge be warned....do not treat folks this way. There is a way to teach and educate without being a bully. You guys are certainly NOT mentor material. You get three strikes.....if the behavior continues...you are out. The bully below says the member wasted his time. You know what wasted my time...cleaning up the hate you decided to post all over someone elses topic. That was a waste of my time. Sending you a private message and issuing warnings to the folks who think they are "genius" masters who everyone should kiss up to....that was a waste of my time. found the video a total waste of time. So what's to respect in the effort to make it and why do you care whether the poster "is getting pleasure in his task?" I know I may be criticized for being "insensitive," but I don't respect the efforts people put into posting useless, let alone erroneous, "how-to-do-it" videos on the internet and I could care less whether the people who post such drivel are getting pleasure from it. They waste everybody else's time. Who has the bandwidth to waste on junk content? And here is the kicker.....non of the so -called MASTER builders in their INFINITE WISDOM of all things...posted a better method...or the correct historical reference. They made ZERO attempt to politely state that there may be a better way or a more historically accurate way. No attempt to teach or mentor. They just bashed the guy and went on long Rants...like this one I am now forced to write about how so many people dont know as much as they do and yet post on You tube and the internet all this bad wrong information.....making society more stupid. 18 posts by expert bullies were pruned from that topic leaving just two replies. All 18 had no value other than to belittle. Shameful. Talk about a waste of time reading those. The replies of the bullies had no value what so ever. Except of course maybe to allow the bullies to hear themselves claim omnipotent dominance of all things in the Universe.
  3. Beautiful and a real milestone. I remember how that felt to get that done. You will feel the same way after getting the guns completed.
  4. Yes indeed....so still lots of choices to be made. The Cheerful hull is 18" long at 1/4" scale. So those who are familiar with it.....it will be only a couple of inches longer. But the Cheerful is also much wider at mid ship. Speedwell is a long narrow hull which is quite beautiful.
  5. Yes I hear you....its tough for me as well. I have a lot of planning to do on it. Its just in the very very early stages. I havent even really decided on the scale yet to be honest. At 1/4" scale the Speedwell hull is about 20" long. Quite tiny by comparison to Winnie. I have even been considering enlarging it more to 3/8 scale...thats how early the planning stages are. When the time comes I will start another topic for it to get everyone thoughts. At 3/8" scale it would be just over 30" long and at 1/2" scale a bit over 41"..... After building large for the Winnie I am very aware that it may be the first POF for many, and larger would be easier. But how large....OR is it important to keep it at the traditional 1/4" scale although it may make building it a bit more difficult for some. Space considerations aside. Honestly I havent even measured it fully rigged yet. Maybe Greg can tell us what those measurements are. In the end I will probably be 1/4" scale. But my brain does seem to go where it wants to with this stuff. This is indeed the first attempt at the buildboard for Speedwell. I have some tweaks to it but it will be an upright build. Without all of that retched scaffolding you typically see on some POF kits. We will build it in a more traditional way using laser cut parts and learning the tried and true step by step methods. I believe its the easier way to go actually....than building those crazy boxes. We shall see...time will tell. If you start off POF building with all of those crutches and jigs and scaffolding, it will be that much harder to just pick up a set of plans which is not a kit and build it POF. You will become too reliant and conditioned to look for the "ugly-box". So learning the ropes so-to-speak is something this project will be all about. But its very much on my mind too. I also posted a picture below...from Greg of the Speedwell hawse timbers vs the Pegasus hawse timebrs. Keep in mind that the Pegasus is much smaller than the Winnie as well and would dwarf the Pegasus hawse timbers. So that should give you an idea of how large the Speedwell will be at 1/4" scale. At the dead flat mid ship the hull is 4.75" wide. Compared to the Winnie at almost 8". Chuck
  6. Scroll up….see the other tabs above. Click on the tab for “general project discussion….etc” Thats where they are in the topic with the monograph chapter downloads. Speedwell is a long way off. You will know when it gets close because I will start a build log of the prototype. Until you see that…I wouldnt even think about. Stay focused on the Winnie which is what I am trying to do.
  7. Binnacle test on the model. This was fun to build. I have plenty of construction photos which I will soon upload as well. A big Thank You to David Antscherl who was kind enough to paint the friezes for the binnacle. More to follow soon. But breaking for dinner now.
  8. This is the Speedwell. The model on the bottom is Greg Herbert's model. There is a lot of info available mainly because David Antscherl and Greg have already documented it in their two book series. In addition there are plenty of original drafts and the Contemporary model. Making a kit with laser cut pieces and CNC carvings is a logical next step in my opinion. I cant think of a better suited "learning" subject for a POF model. Mainly because of its size and decorative appearance. Plus the not to burdensome number of guns and two masted rig. I figured why not do this one before it gets pirated so a legit version could be made available of it. See here for Greg's beautiful scratch -built version. and here I am hoping because of the support and available resources that there will be a great deal of interest in such a project. Especially if many have the books but not the tools or experience or confidence to build it entirely from scratch. Not to gunk up this build log too much but please feel free let me know if this is a subject that could be of interest.
  9. Thats good news. But alas the Winnie must be completed first. But we are getting really close. it wont be a huge two or 3 decker. It will be a smaller model fully rigged. It will be a great first time exercise in framing. Nothing to terribly difficult. I am hoping Jack will be able to do all carvings as well. Chuck
  10. No rigging on the wheel for me. But you can do that if you like. I would guess a .025 or .030 rope size. No blocks needed because the rope goes through the gun deck. i did bot prime the brass tube. I did however run some steel wool over it. But you guys could also use styrene tube or even turn the drum from wood. A 1/4 dowel would work as well. Lots of options there for you guys. And yes I am getting excited about a pof kit. I hope there is some interest out there. I would hate to start making one and have no interest from the builders at large. Unless of course only having the option to buy pof kits from china is ok with most of you. Please share your level of interest!!!!
  11. I would think about omitting the pieces of the qgallery frame that sit against the transom and the hull. Why would you need it? Just use the front outside curved timber. Once the planking is added to the counter it should make it very strong. It certainly makes cutting it out easier and gives you more room inside gallery. Just a thought. Similar to this.
  12. Materials List for Chapter 8 and 9. I am cutting chapter 9 parts as I write this!! Before anyone asks. Materials List for Winnie Eight.pdf Materials List for Winnie Nine.pdf
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