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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. hello sjors the copper plate u did on the ship is great work keep up the great work as all ways
  2. hello mobbise the shiip is looking great keep up the great work
  3. as u see here in the pic i got some more gunports cut out . iam just going to cut out all the ports then make sure there all in line as i trim them so that look great . ps iam getting there and jpett thank u for all the info canoe and popeye
  4. hello popeye yes all is going well i will take the time tys canoe thank u for your kindwords and info i will soak it all in jpett i got a new bit today so cut out the ports just right i will pm what iam useing it might make it better for u to do it as well
  5. hello jpett when i did my stern filler when u sand the rib for the planking it should be the same as the filler that what i did . just clamp them on frist do not glue them and sit there and look at them that what i did but u might have a better way to do it. for me that part was not fun if u know what i mean let me know it goes
  6. hello all what u will see in the pic is i cut out 3 of the gunports. yes i do know there look ruff right now but thay still need to be trimed and stuff just thot id show i pic of what i did so here it is
  7. hello jpett looks like to me thats your starting on the frist planking stage . on mine i did one plank to each side at a time so that it was same for each thats left and right side just thot i let u know hope it helps
  8. hello dave the vic is looking really great . your craftmenship is so good it show in your victory keep up the great work
  9. welcome to msw the dry docks are now open
  10. hello jpett iam never Serious" its all in fun thats how i look at things i have looked at lots of diff victorys each kit is diff i was just looksing for the best way to do the gunports iam trying to post as many pic of my corel vic to help poeple that are doing the same kit build . iv seen geat builds on of the corel vic some of the pic i need help with are not on msw so thats what iam trying to do show all i can
  11. so jpett so u are a funny guy lol with the gunports i will cut them out so the last planking i can cut the planks as i put them on so far its looking good
  12. as jpett says on with the show. i send jpett a pm today i went to the hobby shop came home with two more ships i said i hate going to the hobby shop lol. jpett look like i got the flu lol. ok now what i have done on the victory. i put on the gunports again in pencile this time i got it right i went right off the plans i have some pic so u all can see what iam doing befor i cut them out let me know what u think
  13. hello jpett nice ti see u back at work on the victory hope u love doing planking lol this one test u to the brink i found that out good luck .its like u are doing great so far keep up the great work
  14. tys canoe21 good to know iam going the right way i will use the jig to make sure there all the same tys tys popeye yes poeple are giving me great info of what i need to do hello jpett as all ways great info from u as we build the same kit once i get the ports done all will be good. the best to get thing done is just to take are time and just have fun with the build
  15. ok here u see what iam trying to do . and yes cannoe i have the jig make for it lol .. in the pic u will see iam cutting out the ports on the coyped plans i had done so i think this will be the right way to set up much better be for i put on the ship let me know what u all think tys all
  16. tys sid .iam working on it to get it right the gunports are driving me nuts lol. but iam working on it i will get it
  17. hello jpett yes u can pm that if u like to i dont want to do that ports but i have to lol iam working on it right now so will see how it going .iam not going to cut them out yet
  18. i here u there canone i got the jig all made just looking to get it right befor i do anything now dont wont to mess this part up so just bare whis this u all all ways have great infor for me thanks again
  19. tys u john i could use a lot of help i will post pic as much as i can thank u and welcome to my build log
  20. as u see here i used a penclie to draw on the gun ports now to me they just dont look right let me know what u all think
  21. hello popeye template for a corel kit whats that thay say lol i have the plans coyped to cut them out i when i put the on the ship thay just dont look right .not to sure where to go from here
  22. hello0 jpet where have u been and yes my filler was just as bad as your lol some poeple went to hard wood for thoes i used what was there its was not fun at all all its soo good to here from u again . for me the planking was dang hard part now for thos ports there is tempate dang it
  23. iv been here dave not been doing to much just working on the ship i got stuck on one part took a break to think things out on it . u know the plans for this are not 1.1 makeing harder for me .better to go slow take one step at a time for me . i will be posting more as i get more do tys dave for thinking of me
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