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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. hello jpett its looking great so far as for sanding thos fillers i used my ruff file on them to about half way point then went to send the rest of it so i know how long it took. there not fun but like i say it looking good u have the right bend on the plank in the pic keep up the great work
  2. ok i got bow bulkhead all sanded now still got the front to do but i will get there in time .next will to be to plank the main deck and put that on . so here are some pic for ya to see where iam at
  3. hello canoe welcome to my build log and yes the river boat iam still waiting on parts for that need to email al for the parts i need to get that done as it was going vary well befor what happen to it . and the little are so much fun to build that u can gain so much exp from them
  4. hello sjors the work u have done on the copper is outstanding keep up the great work as all ways
  5. looking good so far lots of great poeple on the msw if u need just take your time no need to rush it keep up the great work
  6. in the pic u will see .i have planked one of the lower decks it came real good .the parts to the kit are really good here are some more pic for u all
  7. hello all in the pic u will see i have glued all bulk heads in place thay need time to cure so far so good .there be more pic tommorw some time on with the show
  8. hello naptune welcome to my build log 5 at one time thats a bit much for me lol
  9. hell jpett thanks for that pm by the way thats a good one . like i say planking is the hard part for me all in time it will come out right one year lol planking this boat will best to get the exp for the victory
  10. hello magg welcome to my build log this is just a side build as iam working on hms victory some time u just a break so this will fun to build. as far .Rocky Mountaineer) i hop-e u hade a great time on there as there is some great poeple u can meet yes its great here where i live sunny and hot in the summer hello pajulahti welcome to my build log i will take a look at your log thank u for the tip
  11. thats looking vary good like the colors thay stane out really nice keep up the great work
  12. here we go with i side build this looks like a vary fun build as jpett said to me try doing a side so i thot about it and here we are .so i have look it all over so far it all good all parts are there here some pic of the kit
  13. hello jpett she looking vary good so far did u take a break on the vic . keep up the great work
  14. here in this pic . there or some bad spots iam trying to fix i added some strips to some spots to used as a filler tys come out to jpett for this thanks again buddy
  15. hello jpett thot it said that the last stage for the belts i better read that again tys for the info
  16. hello jpett not to sure what u mean by the belts . its coming a long time will tell lol
  17. ok hello all in the pic u will see that iam just doing the rest of the planking frist stage in the kit thay did not send a nuff wood so i used some strips i had thay are of the same size so i was lucky there . there is some spots that need to be fixed befor i start the sec stage of planking . on with the show as jpett says lol
  18. hello mobbsie great work u have done so far the rigging looking great keep the pic coming
  19. vary nice work that u have done there dave like i say cant wait to see here in the case craftmenship is sec to none
  20. wow vary nice work u have done keep it going
  21. thank u canone like i say slow is the best way to build one your build been a big help to me thanks again
  22. tys scolman its getting there some stuff to fix befor i go to next stage slow is the best
  23. hello cannoe thank u for your kind words as far the backer blocks that was done befor the the frist planking hello jett thank u for the kind word . yes i see iam getting better its all in time popeye how u been buddy wales and rails will be done after the sec planking is done id like to thank canone and jeptt and popeye for all there help there geat poeple thank again u guys
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