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    markjay reacted to James H in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    ....more. As I've done quite a lot, I've very much abridged the number of photos for each stage.
    Binnacle. This is smaller than those I've built for British vessels but identical in construction. The chimney is turned brass as per Indy, Sphinx etc. 

    A single ladder is now built for the deck hatch opening. 

    Grecian will come with more armament than you'll actually need. This means that you will be able to choose the gun combination that you prefer, and we will supply options for you. These photos show the carronades and two sizes of cannon. All this before I actually plank the hull!

    Until next time.
  2. Like
    markjay reacted to James H in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    Update No.2. This will be in 3 parts as it's almost 40 photos. 
    The hull is currently in a state of being faired, so I'll show the hull up to just before then, plus all the other things I've built up.
    Pre-bevelling was done on the stern section that I built in the last update, and this was then dry slotted into the bulkhead slot on keel. This can be finalised when the hull is being faired. 

    Longitudinal bracing parts are now slotted across all of the bulkheads, except for #1. Again, this is dry fitted. No glue needed yet. These parts will further solidify the bulkhead positions.

    The previous parts incorporated a section of the poop superstructures, and the next two parts will add further elements of this. All will become clearer.

    At the bow, we have more parts that slot into bulkheads, creating the sides of the bowsprit entry point, and also to add fairing and planking.

    Beams are now fitted across the open bulkheads. There are three different types of beam, relating to the position and camber. 

    A 0.8mm ply deck is now fitted. This is thin enough to be slightly bent and pushed into position into the slots at the bottom of each bulkhead ear. This usually gives a nice, satisfying click when finally located.

  3. Like
    markjay reacted to Diver in Grecian 1812 by James H - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - protype build of US Baltimore Clipper Privateer Schooner   
    Good evening James.  What skill level will be given to this kit once it becomes available?  When my Syren Medway long boat is finished in the near future I have decided I will do a Vanguard build next.  I was leaning towards Lady Eleanor or Zulu, how will this kit compare in difficulty?  Thanks.  Bob
  4. Like
    markjay reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    good evening everyone
    Thank you for comments and likes
    day 2
    im still buzzing, up at 0200 adding more, just gone 1900 and im ready for bed
    internal bulkheads and deck beams 

    bow and stern assy these are made away from the build and then added after a rough fairing 
    a lot more to come off,

    upper and lower gunport sills

  5. Like
    markjay reacted to Kevin in HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023   
    day 1
    the bulkheads are MDF and just slot into place, no glue at all has been used in this update

    this is real clever
    the keel assembly is added to from both sides, and as it drops in, ensures the bulkheads are in place, and then locked into position with tabs, these will be glued ate some time

    locking tabs, hold everything in place
    the orlop deck goes into place (forgot to photo, after which the lower deck just drops into position, a couple hours work, no dramas or issues at all, very well thought out

  6. Like
    markjay reacted to OllieS in Tips for the Second-Time Model Builder   
    I agree with everything but in particular points 3 and 4. That's my hobby!
    The only thing I would add is that if you happen to be making a kit that there is a book about that will really enhance the whole thing for you.
  7. Like
    markjay reacted to Melissa T. in Tips for the Second-Time Model Builder   
    There’s a lot of excellent advice on MSW for the first-time builder, much of which I read carefully before embarking on this hobby.  As I slowly worked through my second build though, I had some thoughts and insights that had not occurred to me previously and that I thought might be useful to the second-time builder.  They may not apply for everyone, but they did for me.  Here are my lessons learned from my second kit, from the sublime (at least to me!) to the ridiculous:
    1.       You’re first kit may well have been an entry-level kit to get your feet wet, as mine was.  For the second one, pick something that appeals to you personally on an aesthetic or historic level.  Make sure it’s something you can actually tackle successfully, but don’t be afraid to stretch just a bit.
    2.       Find a build log for your kit by someone light years ahead of you in skill level.  Print out the pages for the steps you’re working on (after running them through Google translate if they’re in a different language).  You won’t be able to replicate what they have done, but they will give you ideas on specific techniques to use and ways you can improve your own build.
    3.       The finished product is really cool and fun to look at, but by far the real joy is in the lengthy, painstaking process of building it.  Don’t worry about how long it’s taking – revel in it.
    4.       It’s not so much a kit that you’re building, as it is a series of problems that you’re solving.  Thoroughly research, ponder over, and test EVERYTHING before committing anything to glue.  I love that aspect of this hobby – problem solver’s paradise.
    5.       It’s impossible to have too much workspace or too much lighting.
    6.       Invest in the right tools, and don’t go cheap on these.  They will sometimes cost more than the kit, but pay off many times over in terms of a better result and much less frustration.
    7.       Annealing brass strips before bending is a thing.  Who knew?  (I actually had to look up the word “anneal”)  Highly recommend getting one of those little butane torches for culinary use.  Better ship modeling AND a crispy topping for your crème brulee – it’s a win-win!
    8.       CA glue is the worst thing ever invented by humankind.  You have to use it anyway, because it’s impossible to clamp everything that’s been glued with PVA.  Your fingers will get stuck together with the CA, and there will be unsightly glue stains where you least want them.  But it works.  When it absolutely, positively can’t be clamped, reach for the CA.  Get the gel variety, and apply with a needle tip.  I hate the stuff.  I love the stuff.
  8. Like
    markjay reacted to Roger Pellett in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Fifteen stars and fifteen stripes, looks right.
  9. Like
    markjay reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    OK, I have just received my shipment of Indy plans, manual and box label (I took a pic of the manual and a few plans, but not all of them, as we need to lay them all out in order later). The manual is very nice quality, very big (A3) and very heavy!
    This means Indy is officially on sale now, and as I mentioned in my previous post, all pre orders will be booked to ship next week.
    I have also attached a couple of pics of new flags that came this week - a Blue Ensign, so I now have the complete set of Red, White and Blue sets. Also, I had some US flags made, in keeping with the correct period for Grecian (I hope)!

  10. Like
    markjay reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Just the same as I do with all the more recent kits, a pear centre keel in 2mm pear with a 1mm outer face on either side, to which the planking butts up to.
  11. Like
    markjay reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Adding more internal detail, as opposed to standard block-type model kits, add a hell of a lot of time and materials and going further, what Chuck is doing now, the fully framed model kit takes that even further in time and material count. I try to make my kits a kind of 'halfway house' between the two. But this does increase the material count a lot when compared to standard kits. However, I think it is worth it, as I love detail and having most parts scale thicknesses. But it does come at a cost in time, money and metal health! lol
  12. Like
    markjay reacted to James H in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    I fully intend to! 
    There's never been a project on my bench, from recollection, as long as this. I was always a swift builder before VM stuff, but not one that ever rushed. Now I need to be in the zone between rushing and simply being swift. It takes a silly amount of forward planning, as a builder, in maximising my bench time in building as much of the small stuff as I can while doing the initial frame work...so deadlines can be met. I learned a lot of that from my magazine work, but this takes it to a whole new level.
  13. Like
    markjay reacted to Oldsalt1950 in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    It is obvious that a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and love went into the creation of the Indefatigable kit. You and Jim should be proud of your efforts. For anyone who has not downloaded and read the manual, I urge you to do so. There is a ton of information in it that you did not see here in the forum. Time for you two to take a few days off and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
  14. Like
    markjay reacted to druxey in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Congratulations on your latest release, Chris. She looks lovely! That was a lot of development work. Well done.
  15. Thanks!
    markjay reacted to chris watton in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    OK, all of Indefatigable artwork complete, and plans, manual and box label have been sent to the printers. This means that finally, the Indy development folder can now be put in my 'Completed Developments' folder, never thought I'd see the day! There will be no other versions of Indy, this is it. I have always wanted to develop this kit, ever since I did Agamemnon back in 1999, but I am so pleased I waited until I could develop this without the usual restraints that were always imposed on me. It is a mad kit, though, and very heavy with the large box being very full!
    To clarify, the Indy kit contains everything to complete the model with masts and rig. There are a few laser cut sheets dedicated to this; even, for the first time, the Parrel Ribs are laser cut, not photo etched, in 0.6mm pear wood. Even the fids and masthead battens are laser cut. I am disappointed I could not offer more laser engraved decks, but I simply could not keep buying more stock of very expensive custom size wood/veneer, only to find I cannot use most of it and throwing it in the skip.
    In other news, I have a set of Blue Ensign flag sets on their way (to complete the set), along with a historically accurate US flag as an option for Grecian.
    I have finished all I can for Grecian right now, and am waiting for the sample PE sheets before sending the kit to Jim (Jim will essentially have the complete kit, plans, laser cut parts, fittings, and with the USB stick with my construction pics in lieu of the manual). In the meantime, I am looking at giving Speedy a little love, and thinking about changing the keel parts to the same design as the latest kits. Will see how that pans out...

  16. Laugh
    markjay reacted to Bob Cleek in Best paint for wooden ship models   
    Most of the stuff I know was learned from making mistakes!    
  17. Like
    markjay reacted to JohnLea in Best paint for wooden ship models   
    This Bob Cleek guy knows stuff.
  18. Like
    markjay reacted to Chuck in Syren Ship Model Company News, Updates and Info.....(part 2)   
    Thanks guys....Its crazy.   Just made those 3/32" single blocks two days ago and they all but gone.  So before I can make the next size I have to doubleback and make more.  Im never going to get done at this rate.
  19. Like
    markjay reacted to Maury S in Syren Ship Model Company News, Updates and Info.....(part 2)   
    Happy tenth anniversary!  We are eternally grateful for your contributions.
  20. Like
    markjay reacted to Rustyj in Syren Ship Model Company News, Updates and Info.....(part 2)   
    Wow ten wonderful years! Congratulations.
  21. Like
    markjay reacted to Katsumoto in Syren Ship Model Company News, Updates and Info.....(part 2)   
    Congrats on the 10 years anniversary and to miles and miles more of ropemaking and selling thousands of thousands of blocks! 😉
  22. Wow!
    markjay reacted to Chuck in Syren Ship Model Company News, Updates and Info.....(part 2)   
    I am starting a new topic as the last one just got huge....over 2000 replies.
    Its fitting that I would do so today actually.   Today marks ten years since I have started Syren.  Its been a long and interesting journey.  Ten years and miles and miles of rope made and thousands and thousands of blocks sold.   Here's to the next ten years.  Maybe not that long, LOL.
    For a bit of news....I have finally received the parts to maintain my CNC Mill.  So blocks are on tap over the next few weeks.  In fact I have already started.   3/32" singles and doubles are now in stock.   More will follow. Although half of the 3/32" singles already sold out.  UGH!

    Onward and upward as they say.
  23. Like
    markjay got a reaction from Canute in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Looks great, can't wait for the release. Will you be taking prerelease orders?
  24. Like
    markjay got a reaction from mtaylor in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    Looks great, can't wait for the release. Will you be taking prerelease orders?
  25. Like
    markjay reacted to rcweir in Chris Watton and Vanguard Models news and updates Volume 2   
    All three of them are beautiful.
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