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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Look great, but that has to be a painful process to work through. So many of the things that look really great are like that. In the end, it's worth the effort.
  2. You come a long way very quickly with the Black Pearl. What is the 2nd ship? Looks great!
  3. I think you nailed it on the stained deck, OC. Looks very Black Pearl authentic to me. Excellent job, just excellent.
  4. Every year, I go to an RC aircraft event called Top Gun. Contestants from all over the world come to compete for the title of, Top Gun. They are judged for static scale fidelity as well as a choreographed solo flight performance. The event is not limited to, but consists mainly of jet fuel powered turbine engine aircraft. Now when I go to this event, I always leave feeling very good about how little I spend on my plastic modeling hobby compared to these modelers. They literally have tens of thousands of dollars wrapped up in each model aircraft....and in an instant, they shatter into a gazillion pieces when they crash. And they do crash from time to time.
  5. I know a big Florida hobby dealer who specializes in buying large hobby collections/estates. They pay 10 cents on the dollar and sometimes less for collections. He's bought tons of hobby items that way and has large warehouses he stores it inside.
  6. Love the Bismarck photos, but OMG, the American southwest photos take the cake. Where exactly were those photos taken? I don't recall seeing anything like that before now.
  7. This is just super. I think the wood pieces you used for the deck are perfect for the Black Pearl. Once you get them stained/dyed black, it's going to truly look amazing. Your wife is going to be so pleased with it I'll bet.
  8. Weird...I can't send you a message either. It says the same thing, Imagna cannot receive messages. Maybe an Admin will come along and tell us how to sort this out. I don't have a clue.
  9. Lol I just tried sending you a message, and it said the same thing...you cannot receive messages. Maybe there's a hiccup in Admin settings or the message portion of the forum is on the fritz.?
  10. ?? I don't know of anything I've changed on my end, unless it was something inadvertent. I'll look at my settings and see what it looks like / if there is something switched on or off that's causing the problem.
  11. Just an amazing and beautiful model train, Yves. Until your blog, I had never heard about this model. Thanks for sharing it with us! Just curious about the rubber motor/s...do they recommend that the rubber be conditioned with castor oil like we used to do with the rubber motors for free flight airplane models years ago? The castor oil enabled more turns and less resistance than non lubricated rubber.
  12. I've got the Revell Constitution, CSS Alabama, and USS Kearsarge all sitting in drydock, waiting for me to buy the detail parts and start them. Been wanting to build the Alabama and Kearsarge for a long time but never got around to it. Like you, I did the Constitution long ago, in the 70's, but really want a 2nd go at it with more skill and modernized detail parts.
  13. Does your research show the torpedo tubes offered any deflection, or was it just a straight shot or nothing? I can see where torpedo's from a fixed launcher could be useful to scuttle a friendly ship or sink a disabled ship, but hitting a moving ship would be next to impossible it seems to me.
  14. With a few exceptions, this completes the rigging for my Mikasa masts. I still must add the flag staffs on the fore and aft ends of the ship, then run the rigging to the staffs. Next, the ship's boats are in line for construction, painting, and attaching to the ship.
  15. Is the Billing paint acrylic? PS: I wonder how many frogs are used in the manufacture of that masking tape. What's the recipe? 🙂
  16. Thanks for all the likes and encouraging comments, much appreciated. @Yvesvidal...if you build Mikasa, take note that there are some backdate items included on the plastic sprues in the kit. These backdate items may or may not be included in your particular kit's instructions. Mine did not include them in the instructions. For example, the masts have gun tubs at the lower level, and these parts are included on your parts sprues. However, there is no reference to the tubs on the instruction sheets. Just pointing this out, as apparently, the Mikasa has been released in more than one variation. There are likely differences in the hull and deck unique to early and later kit versions, but miscellaneous parts (such as mast gun tubs) for both early and late versions are on the parts sprues. I did not realize this until it was too late to use them.
  17. Need to spend another day or two on finishing mast rigging, then move on to ship boats.
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