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Everything posted by CDW

  1. All the compliments are very well deserved. Outstanding work. What was your single greatest source of photos for the Missouri? I never noticed the refueling details before now. They add a lot to the model. I've been wondering, what, if any, are the differences between the Missouri and New Jersey modern vessels? I see where (Pontos?) offers a detail set for the New Jersey model as a Missouri. This leads me to wonder if the difference between the two models is only in the name and number?
  2. For the moment, Mikasa is in dry dock. Our oldest daughter and her husband flew in from New Hampshire (from Popeye's hometown of Manchester) and we are having lots of fun spending time together and going places. Spent the day at Tarpon Springs today seeing the sites, then had a big family party tonight with cookout. Let the good times roll.
  3. I'll just mention this one little thing that often amounts to a big thing (with paint) down the road. Each and every time you remove the cap from your paint bottle, wipe off any excess paint from the rim of the jar and also wipe down the inside of the lid where it screws down to the top of the paint bottle, before you put the cap back on the bottle. Why? A large cause (if not the cause) of paint chips inside you bottle is dried paint that accumulated at the lid and came off and fell inside the bottle when you removed and reapplied the lid. That's where all the little bits and pieces of paint are coming from that you can't break down for a smooth flow. Once that bottle gets enough of those pesky dried paint flecks inside it, your paint jobs and frustration will grow and grow.
  4. That's some excellent looking brush paint work, OC. I like it a lot. It shows your talent with a brush, and that's something most of us have forgotten how to do or maybe never learned. And it seems to me you are enjoying yourself by doing it. After all, that is the main purpose of our hobby, enjoy it, relax, and unwind.
  5. What you cannot see, because it's on the bottom of each piece, is a longitudinal piece that's glued which gives it it's vertical strength. It's like a "T" shape. Plenty strong for the little plastic boats. The picture is a little visual tutorial on how the pieces are made. One thing you'll find with Pontos sets, the parts are well thought out and engineered. Just so darned small and fiddly to work with, but hey, that's the price we pay to work the details. If it was big and easy, everybody would be doing it.
  6. All the mounting structures for the ship's boats are made from folded photo etch. Makes for a fairly tedious task to fold it all, glue it up, then paint it all. It's a done deal now. Rear bridge tomorrow.
  7. The 8 ea., 3" secondary guns are now mounted in place. The decks above the 3" guns are mounted in place, and other fiddly bits have been added here and there. Next, will tackle the rear bridge, then the structural framework to which the ship's boats are mounted. There are more 47mm guns to build, but am finished with the 3" guns.
  8. Some of the prices on Model Monkey stuff is just way over the top. For example, $268.11 for a 1:200 Arizona bridge? That's more than the cost of the entire model. But he does have some interesting and beautiful things, that's for sure.
  9. Thank you, Piet. It means a lot to me to have you here and for your kind words.
  10. Thanks for that photo, Lou. Your coal shuttle looks very similar to the photo etch pieces on my gun deck. Not much point in detailing the ones on the gun deck, because you'll never see them. The following photos illustrate that once the upper deck is placed over the gun deck, it obliterates all the detail underneath except for what can be seen looking from the outside (gun ports) in. Can't really see anything looking from the inside out.
  11. I know this will be hard to believe, but I lost one of these 3" guns in my shop area. Completely lost the whole thing. Not a piece of it, or a few pieces, but the whole thing is gone. Was trying to cut a locating pin off the bottom of the pedestal using my dremel with a cut-off wheel while holding it with a set of tweezers. That thing flew out of the tweezers and I could hear it hit (something) but couldn't find that thing anywhere. Then I realized I have enough parts left over to build another complete gun and called off the search. It will cost me less time building another than it will hunting for the one that flew away. And that's under the presumption I would find it intact, which it probably won't be intact IF I found it. Thank goodness Pontos gave extras in this set. That doesn't usually happen (extras).
  12. Amazing the details they capture in resin. Whoever does their masters is a, Master. 🙂 Shading looks great.
  13. Once the 3" guns are glued in place, a deck will cover the guns so the only way one will see them is by looking inside the gun ports. No top view, and a very limited view from inside the ship looking out. Would you paint the guns or leave them natural brass?
  14. Are there red bugs out west? Here in Florida, if you lay down in the woods near any pine straw, you will get a case of itchy red bugs that will drive you nuts, scratching and scratching. Man, those things are WAY worse than mosquitoes.
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