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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Yes, they have made sure there is nothing you can scratch build from their plans. They are not plans really, but more so instruction sheets. Same goes for others, not just Dumas.
  2. Those secondary guns look great, Dan. Somewhere, I was reading a Polish gentleman's build log for a paper ship model, where he was saying contest rules for paper ship models required that paint not be used. I was shocked by that statement and cannot imagine how they assemble their models so that they needed no touch up paint. Those are some pretty tough contest rules.
  3. RCgroups was/is a great venue to sell a model like yours. I've had great success selling and trading items there. Just make sure the potential buyer has a good reputation as some people these days just try to rip off buyers and sellers alike.
  4. Does this ship carry cruise type missiles in those large launchers? She looks lean and mean.
  5. Very realistic. Beautiful model. I noticed you don't have your IJN ISE listed in your completed builds. An oversight or ?
  6. An old friend used to say: "a man can make his mouth say anything he wants it to say." When you see or hear outlandish claims, just remember that old saying.
  7. If I was spraying it on with an airbrush, would use lacquer thinner. If brushing on, turpenoid.
  8. Acrylic should cover Floquil okay provided you give the Floquil plenty of time to dry out. I would wait a week. Sometimes paint may feel dry to the touch, but it's still curing under the surface.
  9. Greg, all these details are from one update set, or did you have to find and source them individually? A lot of extra details here for sure.
  10. That's impressive, that the barrels elevate, too. Gee oh whiz, that's a lot of folding and fiddling for one gun mount. Makes me appreciate molded items all the more once you realize what goes into making them as you are doing here.
  11. She's going to take a lot of shelf space, Dan. But I am sure you have already planned for that.
  12. Me too....and three, and four, and so on. I love this model! It is so refreshing to see how neat and professional-looking a paper ship model can be. I am likewise impressed with how deliberate, methodical, and precise Dan is with every little detail. Such patience is a true virtue and it shows up in his work in spades.
  13. Yes indeed, this model is exceptional. Seeing a modern warship is such a rare treat, here. And this one is a real looker.
  14. I agree with Mark, and really appreciate how "fiddly" these parts must be to cut out, bend, and assemble. I'm afraid it's beyond my skill and patience to do myself, so am content with observing and admiring your work.
  15. Our rolling challenge was to do it with one hand, under the brim of our hat, while plowing with a mule.
  16. Thinking about it some more, the places in the hull where the shafts come through might be well suited for epoxy putty. Just tape the outside of the hull so the epoxy does not run out, then form up that putty inside the hull and around those shaft housings. I'll bet you could just mix micro balloons with slow set epoxy to make your own putty. Your local hobby shop may have some pre-made two part epoxy putty ready to go.
  17. Are those tiny wire pieces soldered. And where on earth did you get those enormous Tic Tacs?
  18. I think I might use epoxy for both tasks. The shafts maybe need a box form inside to give it a little bit of depth so the epoxy won't easily crack. Maybe just an 1/8", maybe 1/4" deep or so. The brackets I think I would epoxy in place on the hull and not drill it. If I did drill it, it would be to insert small wooden dowels that I could sand smooth once the epoxy had cured. Granted, they would not be readily removable after that, but it would eliminate the worry of leaks.
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