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Salty Sea Dog

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    Motorcycles, woodworking and guitars

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  1. You have the instruction book for the Roger B Taney by Dikar?

    Does it tell you how to assemble the deckhouse? Figures 29 and 29a?


    1. Salty Sea Dog

      Salty Sea Dog

      Hi Cooey,


      My guess is that I have the same instruction  book as yours. It jumps from fig 28 to 30. There is written instructions though they don't say to much.



    2. Jim F

      Jim F

      Hi Salty Sea Dog,

      Many years after purchase I'm finally getting around to building my Dikar Roger B Taney and suprise, there's no Instruction book so if you still have yours would greatly appreciate if you could contact me


      Many thanks

  2. Yeah, that boat in these pictures is really about 2 feet long isn't it? Very nice!
  3. You say obsessive, I say freaking awesome!
  4. Thanks for the detailed explanations and pictures. Fantastic work! The effort you took on these pieces sure paid off.
  5. Amazing!! So how did you make the 90 and 120 degree handrail fittings? That anchor is pretty awesome too. That's some real eye candy there- well done!
  6. So sorry to hear that news Jesse. Sending thoughts of strength your way so you can be the rock your family can lean on.
  7. Will you be bashing the Billings Boats Osberg kit? That's going to be treat!
  8. Hi Lawrence! Laporte, Colorado is several hours north of me. It's north of Fort Collins near the Wyoming border. I'll check out the LEDs - those sound pretty neat. I need to catch up on your build too. I've been working on the house and we are planning to gut one entire level of the house and re-do it, so I won't be posting much. Thanks for all the likes donrobinson!! Much appreciated.
  9. Thanks for the kind words Michael! You are doing amazing things at 1:75 though!!
  10. You know, every time I look at you detail shots, I have to wonder if I should take up origami or beer drinking instead! Your build gets more stunning with each change and addition. Fantastic work Michael!
  11. That's a lot of blocks. Good job! Aargh- that bony fellow will tell no tales!
  12. You are fearfully and wonderfully made brother. Lots of folks are praying for you.
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