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Posts posted by PeteB

  1. "Begging the nurses for medical bits and pieces like surgical knifeblades, medicationpots and other stuff for the hobby gave me the second and when the team of doctors discovered my hobbylathe and drillpress under the bed they send me home the same day for being incorrigible."


    Mate they probably kicked you out because they thought you were setting up shop to give them some competition in the surgery department :-)  Welcome back Kees

  2. Hi Tom

    I'd like to tag along as well - Great looking start nice clean frames and your CAD looks very nice too. Having only used basic autocad lite and no 3D been thinking about solidworks for modelling but didn't know if it would be suitable for this type of drafting - but from your work the curves look pretty nice to me. When you get a bit of "Spare Time" from Soccer and Modelling maybe a Solidworks CAD tutorial ?. Cheers Pete

  3. Hi Nils

    Its nice to see another overall photo of such a graceful vessel that you are detailing so well, the design you have chosen certainly speaks of its era.


    Apart from your dexterity and attention to detail  I admire the way you proceed through the build without detailed plans for each step as I would need - you seem to have a project workflow all laid out in your head as I haven't seen you miss anything that required a back track through work you have completed. Enjoying the journey thanks for having me along.


    Cheers pete

  4. Hi Kees


    I echo everyone's thoughts.  Having suffered from the same thing in the past, I know what you're going through  Focus on the light at the end of the tunnel; because it is there.  


    Take care and you'll be back on deck in no time.



    Hi Kees - Patricks advice gained from his experience mirror mine. Sometimes a bit of company to the end of the tunnel helps. Just know all the guys here are on the journey with you - pete

  5. Hi Giampiero

    I'm looking at the cannon you are not happy with being your first try and thinking I would happily pay whatever the asking price was as it stands – Is there anything you can't do? :-)   I've enjoyed following your build and I'm looking forward to the rest of the journey - its like getting free tickets to watch a Donatello being created - cheers Pete

  6. Hi Nils have enjoyed following this build. Love the subject and watching your skills bringing it to life - Models like this remind me of times as a boy looking into the windows of the Shipping Offices like P&O and others that used to be in the City with Models on display now sadly long gone - Cheers Pete

  7. I came across this youtube documentary dealing with a Swedish New build of a East Indiaman “Gotheborg” that sank in Gotheborg Harbour on her return home from China in September 1745. Divers recovered artifacts from her cargo between 1986 -1993 but almost all the structure of the vessel had decayed.


    The documentary follows the building of a replica ship from the selection of 200-year-old oak trees for mast sections, knees etc by traditional, hand-made carpentry, foundry and blacksmith work, and the making of 1.964 sqm hand-sewn linen canvas sails and 20 tons of hand-made hemp ropes.


    Before posting I did a check of the forums and found Tadeusz43 excellent post packed with fabulous information and photos of various period ships including many of the finished Gotheborg but it didn't include the following video links which I hope will be of interest to others as much as they were to me.


    Each part is about 15 mins. - Cheers pete


    Pt 1



    Pt 2






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