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Everything posted by Michiel

  1. Hi guys. At the front I replace the last pieces of plywood frames by the final ones. 50 pieces of bend wallnut I also made some first deck beams the view from the outside: and the figure at its location all treenailed as well.. close to 300 have fun, Michiel
  2. looks good. not easy to keep the exactness with so many.. its even 143 pairs that's 286 holes.....
  3. It's a cool project, I think one of the most interesting ship for a cross section and very cleanly build... capeau Michiel
  4. Thanks Marc, About the book, yes it's nice but not too historically correct. In this period the Dutch ships were by far not standardized. There are a couple of remaining original modes and two original books. Ketting took the Prins Willem model and mixed in information from the written sources, and made up some of the blanks. I started following the book closely but more and more I'm making corrections to be more historically correct. the closest to historically correct is currently the work by Ab Hoving, reconstructing the Pinas described in Witsens book: http://nautarch.tamu.edu/shiplab/AbHoving.htm Best, Michiel
  5. An other bit of carving. This guy sits at the end of the railing of the for castle, looking backward. Best Michiel
  6. http://www.arkowood-shop.de/index.php?cat=c145_Holzleisten-Ebenholz-Holzleisten-Ebenholz.html great shop
  7. The wales are ebony... no paint at all. A hell to bend though so I'm not sure wether I would recomment to do that as well. This oil is like danish oil, a mixture of line seed oil and tarnish nice work on yours, you're aslo building a scratch 7p? Best, Michiel
  8. Hi Diederik, Nice to hear you enjoy my build. Yes it's Leuven now, my wife's at the uni here, I myself started in the other Louvain ... I think, my scale on the Dijle will be like the real one on the Westerschelde. I only use danish oil, well actually it's called wood oil as is sold in the shops in Germany. It is applied in various layers. It mainly brings the wood grain out very nicely. On cherry wood you end up with a a grain size that is in my view a nice scale representation of the oak scale. The only problem is that it becomes a bit too shiny. It works but it's not really the final word. Maybe one could apply a final layer of diffuse lacker at the very end. Are you building something? There are also some nice Dutch fora, especially if you like this kind of ships. Best, Michiel
  9. I finally placed the last gun port lids... now I see one of the inner rings is missing ... Best, Michiel
  10. two very small updates: the smaller of the two made it to the model Typically shaped VOC wine bottle still no luck with fabric.... the gun ports on port are almost finished, I hope to to show them soon, Best, Michiel
  11. Thanks Guys, I'm going to hunt for some fabric to makes soms sheets for the bed. That's the last piece on the picture not yet fixed. For the rest I'm still not sure wether is comlpete now. Maybe I should add a map on the table. Anyway, working on the cabin is a nice side project next to the hatches of the gun ports. Best, Michiel
  12. thanks, I'm currently not building with real frames but the next one is sure to be so.
  13. That's a nice set of tools you have there. What are the dimensions of that spindel sander? I have been considdering one of those, but I'm not sure yet.. Michiel
  14. some progress on the cabin, its almost done now. The beams are in place, gunrack placed and I made the rack with tin plates: best, Michiel
  15. thanks for the nice words gentlemen, I hope to show some real progress soon, Best, Michiel
  16. Next week we will be moving, the entire workshop has been packed so it will be some time before there will be more from my side. Here's a final picture before the move: Best, Michiel
  17. thanks for sharing your wheel method, I was having nigtmares getting them right. I think it deserves a separate post somewhere in ships furniture... Best, Michiel
  18. thanks, asked because I thought It may be a home build machine.
  19. Here's another experiment with image stacking same procedure as above Best, Michiel
  20. I'm amazed again... Could you show us some more of you ropewalk? Best, Michiel
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