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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Before Steven builds something, a lot of research is done in advance. There is always a lot to learn in his build logs. And they are great to follow.
  2. Well, that's where we are at the moment. I think the books have some errors... Standard 81T0833 This arrangement is therefore not correct at all. And is shamelessly copied in the next book. And this is what it actually looks like in the drawing. A channel or rigging rail a little bit lower. The Calderkraft model also follows this arrangement. Thanks @Mr Pleasant And so does our Russian colleague. https://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=71379 thanks @firdajan next horizontal planking or curved straight Most from this period seem to go for horizontal. The curved straight ones are starting to become a bit old-fashioned in this period, it seems to me Thanks for following
  3. There is an inventory on wikisource. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Anthony_Roll In three parts. Part one, Carracks https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Anthony_Roll/First_roll
  4. Nice work. I just almost ordered a yellow one, with the red seats. When I got to the “pay now” page. my visa card refused 🤣 https://carconfigurator.ferrari.com/en_EN
  5. In the meantime, i continued with the fore castle basis. This time I checked in time whether any problems will arise with the schrouds. So yes, my cardboard structure was much too wide at the top. Error corrected just in time. The base starts at an angle of 45° following the (few) remains of the fore castle. And then with a curve upwards. As always too high or too long, shortening later is easier than lengthening. Applying the second was a little more challenging. Additional temporary supports were then installed. And i continued with finishing the waist. Gluing done on starboard side, now on to port side. Sanding is for later.
  6. Since I'm starting the fore castle earlier than planned, I haven't looked at this properly yet. According to what I have read briefly, it should look like it is drawn on the cover of the MR book. 2 light cannons and all the are rest swivels, or hail shot pieces
  7. Seen too late, sorry. But this ring goes on top of the periscopes, and not in front of them. Your Commander doesn't see anything this way.
  8. I've seen these images before. This isn’t a carrack. Carracks from mr. Breugel with high castles. And a wel know image of a typical Carrack In the MR book there is an inventory (from the year 1514) of the cannons and their position on the decks in several ships. All the large ships (4 of them) have at least 2 decks in the fore castle
  9. Nice model.
  10. 1) Find and buy a second ancher (Two different anchors on a ship is possible) 2) Say that the second anchor is stowed in the hold. 3) Say the second anchor is lost. 4) Make make a new one yourself (again, two different anchors is possible)
  11. Thanks. All help is welcome. Remember the cardboard setup is just a test for the moment. Indeed. Building my previous model, i discovered that a lot of info and paintings are incorrect.
  12. The last piece raised was indeed the remaines of the stempost. The MR museum website has a contact page. You can ask all what you want to know, they don't answer....
  13. Furling. The easiest way is to cut the sail lengthwise, so that you still have 1/3 of it left. and then roll up and tie to the yard. first try with a surplus of your cloth
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