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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thanks, no camo. This is a model of a prototype. No camo, no rust, no wear.
  2. Al parts glued on the model and ready for painting Base color ready
  3. I had the same problem with my Revell bounty's plastic hull. Try to get the loose piece somewhere where you can see it. Then drip glue on it. Let it dry Fixed worked for me
  4. The yards and sails First the spritsail. When not in use, it was usually stored in the beakhead. The most common method is this one. Problem one, where do I tie all the ropes without belaying pins. Solution: right or wrong, who knows. But belaying pins in this period is probably definitely wrong How do I attach the yard to the bowsprit Not needed in this setup, but I will provide someting like a "spritsailyard sling" at the yard. Serving the spritsailyard sling And i have blocks Work at the shipyard has restarted 👍
  5. The finnished and numbered model. The contents of the box were not really what the drawing on the box promised 👎 It was a challenge to correct this Thanks for following this build
  6. This is indeed not good I think it is best that the grain of the wood of the deadeyes is in the same direction as the holes you drill in them. Think about it first before you do drastic things 😉
  7. I'll send them to you via pm. You need : a printer paper A4 tape time And then you have a plan scale 1/1
  8. Nice work 👍 Great stories 👍 And learned through google what "OJT" means 😂
  9. Nice start. I sometimes use a small dot of CA glue until the parts stay in the right place. And then very thin liquid glue for the stronger connection.
  10. Very nice planking But it is best to taper the planks towards the bow. Otherwise you could get in trouble later. https://modelshipworld.com/forum/98-planking-downloads-and-tutorials-and-videos/
  11. Hello! A small update after a long absence. This winter most of my spare time went to military model building(build logs in the shore leave corner), and in between i sewed the " cringles" to the sails. First, a sketch is made of how many are needed for each sail. Work in progress WE sewed cringles... The sails are finally ready, now i have to make blocks and then I can start with the running rigging.
  12. Thanks everyone for the nice comments So, did some experimenting. The result should represent a winter camouflage at the end of winter, with a somewhat rusty appearance. And the tank needs now an urgent spring clean up and repaind job. Almost ready
  13. Thanks, Indeed, Pretty okay. But I'm going to do some experimenting on this i think
  14. This is chapter 2 of the T26 tanks (and also the last T26 from my stash) Only 1 prototype was ever built in 1934 and tested in 1935. The intention was to have a mobile armored observation post for artillery The only info i found https://www.armedconflicts.com/T-26TH-legkiy-tank-nablyudatelnyy-punkt-t86358 The box (upper box) The plans and parts. Start building Ther is some interior detail, so i will leave a few hathes open.
  15. Thanks OC (but, no T72 in this kit 😉) All part are on the model Painting It's been a while since I've done a winter camo. So a green base coat with a thin white wash. Base coat White wash almost ready
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