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Everything posted by Baker

  1. And a finished model. Some rust and drybrushing with sandcolor Washed with matt black N° 1435, tagged and ready Build "out of the box" no modifications Some Russian AA, ZSU 23 4W1 (Jadar epoxy resin) 2S6M Tunguska (Military Wheels Plastic) SA6 Trumpeter Thanks for folowing this build
  2. I also used colorless shoe polish to treat the cotton. Then it is less frayed and the texture is less rough I don't think you will find this brand of shoe polish in Australia. But there is beeswax and carnaubawax in it.
  3. No problem 👍 always welcome My Pelican spritsail is also furled. And also more shortened at the bottom something like this(see the red line on your sail)
  4. Chinese cheating... Molded on cable and handles on the model, separate parts on the box photo (I think the picture on the box is of the 1/35th model) Base color ready en missiles painted A light grey dry brushing and other colors painted. Various missile combinations can be found on the web, that's why there is 1 light green and 2 dark green With extra decals from the decal partsbox (a Czech model in a green color) Almost ready
  5. Yes, you can do this. Someone who builds such beautiful scratch models (including the crew) is going to stitch a beautiful sail Indeed, The restored 66 year old Singer from my mother (post 599) 20210726_191014.mp4
  6. A drawing 😉 My hems are too wide, narrower is better, but my sewing skills were insufficient. The diluted PVA glue over the hems prevents fraying after cutting at the seams
  7. Always welcome Further construction In some parts the connection between the sprue and part is much too thick (my opinion) This simplifies the injection molding to the parts during production. But there's more cleanup to do for the modeller ready for painting base color wheel-track part ready for assembly Thanks for following
  8. If the google translater is correct, then i yhink you mean these (arrow) My poor knowlidge of english 😉 you need : a needle, rope, patience and time.
  9. Indeed also during the various Israel Arab wars these had "good" results (wikipedia) Yep, a legit Chinese company and the kits are usually of good quality
  10. Next model is the SAM 6 from the Chinese manufacturer Trumpeter. SA 6 Gainful is the NATO nickname. The official Russian name is 2K12 "Kub". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K12_Kub Made in China... This is not piracy or lower quality. On the contrary, this box is a pleasant surprise. Neatly packaged and nice molded parts Wheels and tracks in one part and very well detailed orderly plan Building the chassis / hull
  11. Nice work. Planking,garboard.. Look at my Pelican build, i think from post 38 and further on.
  12. Indeed. The Vickers idea can be considered a distant ancestor of the M2, M3 and later M5 family Mirage has a whole family http://www.mirage-hobby.com.pl/MirageHobby-AFV-72 https://henk.fox3000.com/Mirage.htm
  13. These Vickers (and derivative) models were in service in many different countries with many variations and modifications.
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