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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Had this problem with 1 photo Photo saved as a paint version and problem was solved
  2. Buiding side skirts The first one is the "prototype" 8 ready And in place And the tracks are ready Not bad, once painted Thanks for following
  3. Nice work. Enclose?? yes The 2 lower heavy cannons (stern chasers)? yes The 2 smaller cannons? I wouldn't do this
  4. If this is glued strong enough 👍 Are you going to paint the inside visible wooden parts black ?
  5. Thanks Indeed they are not, as we say "moeders mooiste" translated to English "a mother's most beautiful child" 😉 Haha, I am a single person assembly crew 🤣
  6. Tracks. As mentioned before i never made them myself. So, unknown territory for me. I also found the origin of the resin model (giesbers) https://henk.fox3000.com/giesbers.htm Base for the tracks is plastic sheet. With carved lines on both sides This is glued around the wheels extra detail on the visible part of the track. The holes for the sprocket teeth need still some extra work. But the tracks are already much better than the original T34 tracks. Next to do. The M29C's will have "side skirts" . So the suspension will remain little visible. thanks for following.
  7. I only have information about the 1940 / 41 North Africa period and Iraq 1921 ps, nice work
  8. Possible idea : That only lighter cannons were placed here. Which in case of boarding were fired at the attackers. Loaded with all sorts of "anti-personnel projectiles...
  9. Two nice models 👍 I think I've built a few Roden Kits (a long time ago) And I've got a few more on the shelf (Opel buses).
  10. Indeed, i had the idea to add some black here. let's suppose that the missiles are first turned 90° before being fired. 😉
  11. Indeed, But a little slow. In 1982, my first job was at General Motors, assembling Opel cars. Production was faster (but then there were more people on the Opel assembly line than now at my Weasel assembly line 😉). There were once 2 Opel factories, one is now a cinema and the other has been completely demolished. 👎 Well, the Weasels have wheels. One also has the sprocket and idler wheels. Now i make the tracks. Never made them myself. So it will be trail and error until it works out... i need 10 tracks
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