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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Eduard is rubbish I don’t really know about Tom’s as it’s hard to get in Oz and very expensive Gold Medal Models is also very very expensive for what you get and about 10 years out of date compared to what s coming out of Korea Flyhawk is nice and good value Pontos is top shelf as is Infini Models (SangYun Park did a lot of their stuff before he defected) Alliance Model Works is a US company and very reasonable with nice stuff BigBlueBoy has some DDG stuff MK1 is good there is so much stuff out of Asia now it leaves the older companies in the dust. the two sites I look at are BNA model world in Oz and Hobby Easy in Hong Kong
  2. No AOTS for it. The book I’ve ordered has fold outs which will help
  3. I’m awaiting the Top Down reference book, but as far as my research goes, it appears to have happened after the ‘44 refit. As I said before, there is so much poor information out there one needs to be careful. The IWM photos are all referenced by the photographer so I trust them more more than some bloke on google. The kit hull is lazily done by Tamiya but it is old. I intend to overspray the who whole hull before I draw up the hull plates then layer them to give depth.
  4. Rubber straps really hurt, but one did learn manners and that ones opinion is not the only one
  5. The hull is smooth as a baby's bum BUT does etch in a boot strap. Your can see from the photos of when KGV was in drydock in 1941 after a parking incident there is a considerable amount of hull detail missing. The Degausing cable was removed in later '41. It appears from the 1943 photo it was only the bow section. The stern also has these pesky square hatches (photo is from '45 when some portholes were covered over). The deck will need to be completely wiped clean and flush. As such by the time get this one done, Cog will be out of excuses to do the next joint build. Roger Chesneau's book on the KGV class includes the fit out history. As such the hull needs a LOT of work before any PE comes out of the box.
  6. So I found a King George V on a local buy and sell site, came with a wooden deck and metal barrels at a good price. I know it's been done, Mr Rabbit and Kpnuts, and there are basically three iterations of HMS King George's Career, when she fought the Bismarck in '41, the '43 fit out then the '44 fit out. I want to do the '43 fit out as it hardly ever been done, the references are very obscure and I get to do camouflage and not strait grey. The Tamiya Kit is set for the 1945 fit out, having removed the aircraft and placed the ships boats amidships, but the Aftermarket Pontos is retrofitted for 1941. The thing is, the Pontos set gives you the ability to have an aircraft deck but the kit gives you no aircraft. Thus one has to buy a Walrus. The Tamiya kit has the stern square hatches omitted which need to be after - after market as Pontos ignored this gem. I got the new Infini Models RN Doors (he bloke who is Infini models designed this set when he worked for Pontos) as they are just magnificent. I also got some individual RN stanchions as I'm over one piece railings are I like to torture myself. I've ordered new Carley Floats (i'll have to scratch build the Flota nets) and an extra set of 20mm guns as there should be 38 of them all up. The Chap I bought the kit from had a Artwox deck which is suitable but the Pontos one is fairly clean which means I can add whatever configuration I want. I've spent a few weeks researching tis and the internet is just full of people who just do not check their references, as about 70% of the photos pro porting to be KGV are usually a sister ship. The Imperial War Museum has lovely photos which are correctly labeled and allow me to feel comfortable in my 1943 configuration. Welcome to build number 10 in 1/350.
  7. Your favourite being.......? no rush C, stock up. I have another battleship to build yet, just awaiting some reference stuff. That gives us us time to gang up on Cog.
  8. Yes Canute, and Cog gets to pick on you too. It’s becuse he’s so tall. He can reach up the rafters to steal food from onlookers.
  9. No nagging by me! You’re all over it. Looking forward to your rigging and joining the next build.
  10. Now, whilst Popeye and Cog finish up their builds (I'll put them in an album when finished) I'm researching my next build (Number 10) , BUT, the build after that Number 11)... Who want to play with another joint build? There is going to be an aftermarket set out for the kit later this year by the bloke who used to be at Pontos As such it won't start for months, but it will be simple build and Cog is already complaining that I nag him too much so you all have to put pressure on him too.
  11. Well done, you’re nearly there. The railings are pretty much exactly right, but with the new paravane winches they throw it out a bit. I eventually did not place the two on the deck and just used the trestles.
  12. It's in a museum in the UK I think, I found few images when I was researching this one. Notice the shell holders near the cannons and the netting. There are a lot more pipes, and the real thing would also have a lot more voice pipes.
  13. I think you’ll find that’s a builders model and not 1/700 (though it could be done but it’s a bloody good camera).
  14. I just woke up! Coffee, toast, then Rugby (all 3 playing today), nap then nightshift. I’ll pop next door shall I?
  15. He’s right about Canbrrrr at the moment. It looks warmer at the soccer competition going on up north.
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