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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Sigh, divorce is far too expensive. And I like the wife. I spend the whole day fixing the front end damage, restropping blocks and fixing a snapped bumpkin. Two dead lights to repair, sling a boat, whack it in a case and finished! Apart from losing the boom kind and jackstaff in the house move. It seriously never finishes.
  2. I reckon you're right, it doesn't make sense to have it where the AOTS says it goes, it was a bugger to rig and gets in the road.
  3. The last of the ships boats. I scratch built the outside back in mid 2011 when I did the others, but as I am facing extensive cat damage again I thought I'd get i over and done with so I could do the rigging in one hit. I have run off the AOTS's longboat including Windlass and Cable Cleats.
  4. Well, I'm back. The Government bought my house (asbestos) , I bought a new one, moved everything. ANOTHER CAT attacked the Endeavour whilst it was being babysat. More repairs to go again. Nothing major but bloody annoying.
  5. Looks just like my porcupine did! The contrast will come up nicely
  6. Ok, sick to death or rope coils. I could probably go on and on and on with them, so I had to draw a line in the sand and stop. I have added the swivel guns (prepared ages ago - May 2012). I have added a photo of the swivel gun provided with the kit as well which is about 200 years out of date I think. I have actually prepared the flagstaffs for the bow and the stern, but I need some advice on the flags. Each of the masts have a trunnel for flags as well. Do I use them?
  7. You just won a lottery with all those books and tools, I could just see my wife's eyes roll. Good job in the first layer, that's the worst part over.
  8. The legacy of so much rigging is so many rope coils. i mean it, hundreds of the bloody things. I'm about half way there I think. It kinda looks like a dogs breakfast but I suppose it's meant to . the really difficulty is getting to the belaying points past all the standing and running rigging.
  9. Nice work. Are you going to have belaying pins?
  10. This afternoon I finally attached the last 2 yards. I found a photo from 2005 when I was doing the first few planks on the frames, and the baby in the house was having a nap, this afternoon he washed both the cars (badly). That's a milestone for you! I even pulled out the AL rigging plans which I have completely ignored thank god. I packed up nearly all my tools and my desk is clean for the first time in a decade. For anyone who wants to follow my rigging the attachment of the blocks to the deck and masts was the most important part of the entire build. I just wish the AOTS said to put cleats on the catheads as its still a nightmare. Two flagstaffs to attach and the tackle for the last boat which I still have to finish which was always planned as the final bit, as well as several hundred rope coils. Then I have to build a stand. I shall post photos soon, but a quick question, who makes the best flags? By my reckoning she will take 5 of them.
  11. Thankyou again. The spirit sail yards are now complete with the addition of the braces. I snuck my phone under the rigging to get a few forward shots. 6 blocks, 4 toggles and two yards to go,and I've added a really confusing picture with lines all over it to show how the lines runs on this yard alone.
  12. The lifts and Reef tackle pendant. The lifts are attached to a loop at the mast and attached with a toggle which is abut a 3mm piece or wood with a groove in the middle. The Pendants go through the sheeve in the yard, and held by a few loops around and left to fall through with a knot. I have finally attached all the railings on the tops as the pendants are apparently belayed to the tops. Only the braces to go, so a few more blocks to go on the stays yet.
  13. Clue lines and sheets on the stay sail yards. I served the end of the sheets to make it easier to make the ball at the end (a simple knot) that goes through the loop on the served block. I've done the colouring in to show the run of the lines. Now these are belayed it is easier to belay the bunt lines and lifts to keep them taught without actually lifting the yards.
  14. Next is the buntlines. Only two but they have an interesting angle. The next step will be the clue lines then the sheets which will allow me to brace the yard and do the lifts before I can start belaying all these lines which will keep then taught without actually lifting the yard upwards.
  15. Next is the jeers and jeer blocks. Given in the real world they are one continuous rope, i cheated so the Blocks could be stropped properly, joining them at the mast so they sit equally. I have outlined in red where they sit with bare poles and when up with sails. The single block sits on the channels.
  16. Ah, Banyan is catching up! I'm doing the main and foremast staysail yards. First off the parrells, which are photoetched and blackened. Tied on and lashed. As there are no sails they will be lowered.
  17. I have to remind myself it's never a good idea to drink and then think it's a good idea to work her. 4 yards to go, so I'm going to photograph it step by step in case my computer crashes. The jeer blocks rigging is doing my head in as I'll have to splice the rope at the top as its too hard to serve the blocks properly when the rope is attached to the mast. The rest is easy.
  18. Thanks folks, now the blunt end! The Mizzen is now complete with the Mizzen Topsail. I've added the railing now which I fabricated early last year.
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