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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Whilst mine is nowhere near as good, I used a plank bender on square stock, crimped it to shape and sanded it round.
  2. The only other reference I've found via my books and Ray Parkin's book is they drop strait into the first companionway forward. As such, pointless PM'ing the photo. The AL instructions just have you drill a couple of holes in the deck. You've done such a fantastic job on yours it will take a rebuild of the cabinet work. Maybe Marquardt made it up?
  3. Great job on the bumpkins. I've never seen any reference to a gasket to hold the end of the anchor stock like in the replica's photo! I used black cord for the gammoning on mine but yours looks good, I reckon you should keep it.
  4. I kinda went strait off the AOTS if you have a look at my log. I've also got Parkinson's reference if you want me to PM a photo? It's different.
  5. Looks very very neat! Are you going to drill holes for the anchor cable to go into the hold?
  6. Thankyou for the kind words. I've got about 100 blocks to strop with served rope now, so several months just to get that done I think. Then figure out how to attach them to the masts with parrels, then the correct order to sequence them so I can still work the running rigging, then fix the large hole in the hull from the cat, then the final ships boat to be completed and slung off the main and fore yard on tackle. The last step will be the base.
  7. Two weeks work, and pretty much the last of the woodwork, Spars and yards done.Lots and lots of blocks and ropes to go. What's the best way to make stirrups?
  8. Dude, I started my Endeavour in 2000 when I lived in Cairns, I get annoyed, and I put it away. I did the frames when my youngest boy was born in 2005, it's now 2014, I've started on the yards. NSW finally beat Qld this year. It's the process, not the finish. It's that bloody cold here in Canberra, you cane toads can do it!
  9. The cat and I do not talk and the ship is now stored where she can't get to it. I have one more bit of repair work on the hull where it bounced off the piano then I can finally start on the spars.
  10. I've been lazy for a while. I've finally finished the damage to the front of the bus. I've added some research photos first to explain what I have done in regards to cable and the use of tackle. Plus the damage done by the cat in the first instance. .
  11. I'm now kicking myself as it makes sense, but I can't find an image of it. The replica has closed hearts! Too late for me now anyway.
  12. Sweet, I did find this kit trawling the net and thought about it for the bucket list. Hurry up! Looking forward to this.
  13. I like the white, and the stern fittings are so much nicer than the AL version. You'll have to unship the boats rudder as the spare spars will hit it. Are you going to put the covers on the stern windows?
  14. Great work! How well does the bowsprit clear the base of the bumpkins? I had a fair bit of trouble with that.
  15. You have made this look easy, I'm just about up to this on my Endeavour, looking forward to your tutorial on their rigging ;-)
  16. Um, I threw the packaging away, but I went off the CW sizes from the AOTS. Both types used correspond with the 1/64 offerings from Caldercraft if that makes sense?
  17. I basically replaced all the wood for the hull's second layer and I wish I had done so for the deck as the supplied stuff is waxy rubbish (I am doing the exact same kit). Modelers shipyard is the go.
  18. Ok, repairs continue after the cat tipping incident. The back end of the bus! I have used Chuck's fantastic lantern kit. Next back to the front of the bus to fix up the anchors.
  19. So good! Seriously! The only way you will get it any more realistic will be to drop a few sardines in the hull to permeate that fishing boat smell. Just lovely work.
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