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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Hello Mike, and a warm welcome from a very wet Sussex.
  2. Allan, I have cut down a couple of trees over the decades. What happenned in the video just wasn't a fair fight!
  3. Γεια σας Δημήτρη και καλώς ήλθατε στην ομάδα. Welcome to MSW from the UK. This is a great place to find advice and answers. Every problem in building a kit has already been solved by someone somewhere so I am sure there is a solution to your missing pieces. The best way is probably to start a build log so we can 'look over your shoulder'. Regards, Bruce
  4. Hello and welcome to MSW from the UK. It is a great place to get help and advice, hope to see a build log. Bruce
  5. George, that thesis is a breath of fresh air in this subject. Thank you for providing a ray of light on a shaded corner of the hobby of modelling. 👍
  6. While on the subject, I have made small featherboards from tongue depressor/lolly-pop sticks, they are invaluable on the fiddly bits. The medical grade tongue depressors in my stash seem to be made from pretty good wood.
  7. The cutter was from a USN ship and ended up in another navy. See ... I don't know about the differences in rudder shape.
  8. Hello Mark, I am late to the game but delighted to have found the thread. Beautiful model, great use of the grain for visual effect, looking forward to seeing more. Bruce
  9. Hello Pete, Welcome to MSW, perhaps you will say a few words in the 'New Member Introductions' thread. This build is a bit special, isn't it? David has quite a fan club. Regards, Bruce
  10. Great looking model Neil, has Steven Spielberg put in a bid yet? 🤑 You have nailed the well-used, tired old working boat look.
  11. Hello Alex and a warm welcome from across the channel. "La Provençale" looks good, you should be happy to have such a result for your first build. I hope we see more from you. 👍 Regards, Bruce
  12. Amalio, you are making a great model. Well done 👍
  13. Glad to help. To quote Old Lodge Skins, 'Sometimes the magic works, sometimes it doesn't.'
  14. Sorry, hit SUBMIT before I meant to. The proportions of the room created by the bulkhead and decks in your highlighted drawing seem more like the pens & coops for livestock.
  15. Allan, is there a clue in the window height and position? In other words, does the cabin below the poop have 'normal' dimensions?
  16. Caulking was a trade and was carried out under the eye of the master shipwright. It had specialist tools, agreed rates of pay and working conditions. I have never seen anything that indicated that the job of 'caulker' was concerned with anything other filling the seams and holes of the boat to whatever was the agreed specification of the day and doing it quickly. Anything is possible but I believe Bob's view ... ... is correct. Some other worker drove and wedged the treenails and the caulker followed behind. And don't forget, my comment is worth what you paid.
  17. Exactly. The contract would have specified woods to be used and, once this was spelled out, sometimes it was not repeated within the different sections/clauses of the contract. I haven't seen your source so that is a general observation, hopefully on point.
  18. Thank you, Eberhard, it is a real pleasure to see that kind of skill. What a model!
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