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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. The one in your link seems to be the same as mine, apart from age. Using the turbo waste tub has just about eliminated emptying the Henry bag since 90 + % of the collected crud stays in the tub.
  2. Hello Dave, I use a Henry vac and it is more than adequate for everything I run: sanders, bandsaw and table saw. Using a turbo style waste collector was the best move I have made. I am probably going to get another vac because of the layout of my shop and have been looking at some surprisingly cheap options such as this item on Ebay: There are several sources, this one is ebay item number 322205501939 HTH Bruce
  3. Hello confused sailor, welcome to MSW. Good question, now I want to know as well. Why not post something in the new members introduction thread (and maybe tell us if there is a story behind that screen name 😉 ) ? Regards, Bruce
  4. I got very good results with a thin slitting saw and adapter ring. Sadly I can't recall the maker but there are plenty of sources: just make sure the adapter is a good fit and that the number of teeth is appropriate.
  5. Allan, as David says, there is a solution available. I am fiddling around with a shop-built table but don't expect it to be as good.
  6. Paul, to clarify: I have a Byrnes saw and it is without a doubt the best. The FET is a good, solid 2nd place in this race and although I sold mine when the Byrnes arrived, it wasn't long until I missed the tilting blade facility of the FET. The FET is a good tool.
  7. What Tony said.
  8. Chris: OUCH!!! Sorry to hear about the setback, will be watching to see the re-boot. Great subject, these working boats make impressive models. Bruce
  9. Hello Jacek, I think that is a good point: it happens elsewhere but I have not seen it happen on MSW. That is why this is, in my opinion, such a superior 'club'. There are morals and manners here, and I suppose we have all had encounters with modellers who lack both. Tying ratlines? Ugh!! 😉
  10. Mark, I think several people are glad you did: I know I am. 👍
  11. I have the seat panel of a piano stool and the hinged keyboard cover from the same piano. The family who were scrapping the piano know it was bought second-hand in the 1920's. There is no way to be sure but I suspect this wood is Honduran mahogany: whatever type of mahogany it really is, it is a pleasure to work with and can be brought to a beautiful surface finish. I am saving the long key cover for making a case (if I ever finish a model!).
  12. Why not check out one of MSW's newest sponsers? http://www.modelerssawmill.com/
  13. I had a small stash of this wood supplied by DeAgostini for planking, part of a box of spares I scored: it is dreadful wood. I suspect it is in the mahogany family. I realise this isn't what you want to hear if you are part way through the kit but there is no telling now what exact species DeAgostini used. I will never use this wood so you are welcome to my stash ( I am in the UK ), PM if you feel it is worth the effort.
  14. Hello George, Bit of confusion here, it was Lou who posted the builders model picture. My post was about potential archival sources. 😉 Regards, Bruce
  15. Hello George, welcome to MSW. Perhaps you already know this but the Tyne and Wear Archives ... https://twarchives.org.uk/ ... hold a collection of photographs of torpedo boats etc and may be able to help. Even if Violet s not among the photos you may see her contemporaries. Ignore their website search function, it doesn't seem to look at the photo collections so I am afraid you will need to contact them for access terms. Also, in case you do not already have this, Violet was involved in a collision with the drifter 'Angelina' 22 September 1918. The records of this accident are held at the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) Archive ... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-ukho-archive ... under the file reference HD/1918/3710. Again, do not rely on the site search facility, I suggest contacting them and qouting the file number to see if it contains photographs or reports of potential use. HTH, Bruce
  16. Hello Mark and a belated Welcome to MSW!
  17. Star of Zealand:
  18. Tony, we all love a good mystery. Perhaps these people can help? https://cooperstoolmuseum.com/ They have a contact form within the site. HTH Bruce
  19. Hello John, welcome to MSW. Hope to see a build log for your Jolie Brise, it is a good subject with a long history and still afloat. Why not post a few words in the New Members Introduction thread? Bruce
  20. "The uses and conveniences of different kinds of Water Craft" Continental Army Vessels on Inland Waterways, 1775-1782 by John U. Rees, 2001 The_uses_and_conveniences_of_different.pdf EDIT: so there is no confusion, the status of this document is Open Access although it is not plainly stated in the text. The source is acemia.edu and this statement is on their home page: "Open Access Academia’s goal is to ensure that every paper, ever written, is on the internet, available for free. 22 million papers have been uploaded to Academia.edu. We think there are ~100 million papers ever written, so we are ~22% of the way there." Thanks go to Kurt for highlighting the lack of this information in the post. Wouldn't want it any other way.
  21. As in title above, 4th edition 1806. Steel_s_Naval_Chronologist_of_the_War_fr.pdf
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