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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Robert I am watching your work as you know an am anxious to see it going. I am also downloading your log for future reference. Great work Keep it going on. Christos
  2. I have build Hermione of AL once and now am going to rebuild her not as the replica variation but as the original ship (as nearer as I can). So I have not yet started the build. Yes you are right about ANCRE.... has errors and is expensive. So to be honest am very relactant buying it. Though its not out of question.... am playing with this thought. Christos
  3. Oh yes it certainly does! I appreciate this very much. Many thanks. I will go for it.... and may be (or may be not.... I ll give it some more thought) also put iron stanchions just with rope around the boat opening... just to be on the safe side. The thing is that am not going to follow the replica's version which definitely isnt the original one. Thanks again for all your valuable help and patience! Christos
  4. @mtaylor Dont worry about it. Its not so important because you have actually described me the setup.... so dont bother if its even the slightest inconvenient. You helped already a lot with all those infos you gave me, therefore I thank you again. Christos
  5. @mtaylor again you have been very informative and so my question is answered. Thank you very much. How is the outboard railing in your reference plans? Is it metal stancheons with a wooden part or with just a rope? Please -if ofcourse its not incovinient- could you pass me over a copy or even a rough picture made from your mobile phone, of the plans you referenced. Just to have a closer look and keep in my log. Because am planing to build Hermione again and I definitly follow the guidance you just gave me. Thank you again Christos
  6. @allanyed Allan you are good! Could you please be so kind to send me a reference link or book of Goodwin? I am aware in.general about the hammock cranes on the outboard rail ( i.e. Victory). And a second question if I may, you say "no rail around the waist..." you mean there wasnt any rail around the deck opening for the storage of the life boats? Many thanks Allan... very kind of you shearing all that with me! Christos
  7. @mtaylor thank you very much for dropping by to help. I just wonder if how are normally the railings of an 18th century war ship in those cases. Do you have any knowledge on that?
  8. Yes its the stuff in uniforms to keep the collars stiff.... have a look at my log of Hermione I did the sails with this. @JerseyCity Frankie showed me this technik
  9. Its not bad.... I mean the small holes. Are you going to fill the sails with air? If doing that you use the GAC400, I think that will additionally discreetly fill the small holes. Sail away flying dutchman christos
  10. The L' Hermione replica as well as the model kit of Artesania Latina has the railing as in the picture. I wonder if thats the way the original ship was. I believe that the original ship had a rail that consisted of a few metal stanchions holding a row or two of ropes. The reason was to protect the crew from falling off as the ship sailed. But still when needed (boat lowering, loading the ship etc,) those rails to be flexible in dismantling. Am I wrong. Can someone with more knowledge kindly comment on this? Christos The replica set up, I believe is made this way because of todays safety regulations.
  11. Watching your work and waiting your updates.... great log! Am asking my self about the railing on the sides of the oppening under the lifeboats.... isnt any railing there on your model plans?. And if so...Is it because they needed to take out and lower the life boats very oft? Ofcourse that would have been a potential danger of somebody to fall in to the next deck. Christos
  12. There isnt much to see of the standing rigging.... but its a lot of work...
  13. As standing rigging proceeds I took some time to finish the display nameplate.
  14. I didnt knew that I could get such tweezers. I bought more than a few things to stop magnetism on my tweezers with no success ofcourse. thank you for letting us know.... nice of you! Christos Ps. Keep enjoying your build... your results are confirming it! Nice work.
  15. @donrobinson thank you very much. Thank you for your very nice words. Concerning the time, I have started it beginning of Octomber and I have counted till this moment in my logbook 300 hrs. The kit's manufacturer suggests 200! I think it took me more hrs due to luck of experience.
  16. I think your futtock is fine. You see the main think when improvising is to have a realistic engineering reason. If you have a good explanation/reason why this idea even, could have been existed, then you are on the safe side. Then you are correct. At the end I think you ll be the one to get the master degree my friend and you may even become a dutch professor!
  17. @KatsumotoThank you my friend... your words are very flattering! But I already do have a master's degree🤯 ...I surely dont need a second one... and now at this stage of my life, I dont need even the one I already have!!! 😇👴💤 Concerning the journey in the Mediterranean I would ruther feel safer having on board a dutch Columbus.... so you are more than welcome. 😘 🤩 Christos
  18. @cog thank you for your very positive comments. Yes you are right the standing rigging its easy. Its much easier than by period ships and than its own running rigging.
  19. it seems... I am sailing! So am about to finish rigging. The shrouds are still to be done, rigging them to the masts and some minor rigging work. So I am guessing in a few day -another 10-12 hrs in total- and thats it.... it took me about 300 hrs and am working on her since last Octomber.
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